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  1. Inactive trout come out at night: behavioral variation, circadian activity, and fitness in the wild
  2. Do individual Activity Patterns of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) alter the Exposure to Parasitic Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) Larvae?
  3. Is behaviour in a novel environment associated with bodily state in brown troutSalmo truttafry?
  4. Reduced rearing density increases postrelease migration success of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) smolts
  5. Behavioural reactions of three-spined sticklebacks to simulated risk of predation—Effects of predator distance and movement
  6. Autumn food restriction reduces smoltification rate, but not over-winter survival, in juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta
  7. Effects of Familiarity and Population Density on Competitive Interactions and Growth: An Experimental Study on a Territorial Salmonid Fish
  8. Eggs from anadromous adults provide marine-derived nutrients to Atlantic salmon and brown trout parr in late autumn – observations from a Swedish coastal stream
  9. Linking lab activity with growth and movement in the wild: explaining pace-of-life in a trout stream
  10. Design of Emergence Test Arenas Can Affect the Results of Boldness Assays
  11. Telomere dynamics in wild brown trout: effects of compensatory growth and early growth investment
  12. Environmental effects on behavioural development consequences for fitness of captive-reared fishes in the wild
  13. A simple non-invasive method for measuring gross brain size in small live fish with semi-transparent heads
  14. Environmental enrichment for fish in captive environments: effects of physical structures and substrates
  15. Density-Dependent Compensatory Growth in Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in Nature
  16. Hatchery tank enrichment affects cortisol levels and shelter-seeking in Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar )
  17. Early enrichment effects on brain development in hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ): no evidence for a critical period