All Stories

  1. Globally Universal Fractal Pattern of Human Settlements in River Networks
  2. Detection of trends in magnitude and frequency of flood peaks across Europe
  3. Human-impacted waters: New perspectives from global high-resolution monitoring
  4. Virtual laboratories: new opportunities for collaborative water science
  5. Human pressure on rivers is increasing worldwide and threatens water security
  6. Virtual laboratories: new opportunities for collaborative water science
  7. Satellite nighttime lights reveal increasing human exposure to floods worldwide
  8. Regional prediction of basin-scale brown trout habitat suitability
  9. Panta Rhei: an evolving scientific decade with a focus on water systems
  10. Fluvial network organization imprints on microbial co-occurrence networks
  11. Toward a theoretical framework for integrated modeling of hydrological change
  12. Hydrologic controls on basin-scale distribution of benthic invertebrates
  13. Geomorphic signatures on Brutsaert base flow recession analysis
  14. Hydrologic Variability Affects Invertebrate Grazing on Phototrophic Biofilms in Stream Microcosms
  15. Light and hydrologic variability as drivers of stream biofilm dynamics in a flume experiment
  16. Comparative study of ecohydrological streamflow probability distributions