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  1. Effects of temperature and water availability on light energy utilization in photosynthetic processes of Deschampsia antarctica
  2. Relationships between ecological niche and expected shifts in elevation and latitude due to climate change in South American temperate forest plants
  3. In situ warming in the Antarctic: effects on growth and photosynthesis in Antarctic vascular plants
  4. Facilitation among plants as an insurance policy for diversity in Alpine communities
  5. In the Right Place at the Right Time: Habitat Representation in Protected Areas of South American Nothofagus-Dominated Plants after a Dispersal Constrained Climate Change Scenario
  6. Facilitation by nurse plants regulates community invasibility in harsh environments
  7. Facilitation among plants in alpine environments in the face of climate change
  8. The context dependence of beneficiary feedback effects on benefactors in plant facilitation
  9. Parasitism byCuscuta chilensisand gender affect how the nurse cushionLaretia acaulisincreases diversity in Andean alpine communities
  10. Soil nutrient availability determines the facilitative effects of cushion plants on other plant species at high elevations in the south-eastern Himalayas
  11. Filosofía ambiental de campo: ecología y ética en las redes LTER-Chile e ILTER
  12. Do Antarctic lichens modify microclimate and facilitate vascular plants in the maritime Antarctic? A comment to Molina-Montenegro et al. ()
  13. A global analysis of bidirectional interactions in alpine plant communities shows facilitators experiencing strong reciprocal fitness costs
  14. Facilitative plant interactions and climate simultaneously drive alpine plant diversity
  15. Temperature-driven flower longevity in a high-alpine species ofOxalisinfluences reproductive assurance
  16. Simulated warming does not impair seedling survival and growth of Nothofagus pumilio in the southern Andes
  17. High-Elevation Andean Ecosystems
  18. Flora vascular y musgos en la zona altoandina de la Isla Navarino (55°S), Reserva de la Biosfera Cabo de Hornos, Chile
  19. Ecophysiological plasticity and local differentiation help explain the invasion success ofTaraxacum officinale(dandelion) in South America
  20. Antarctic moss carpets facilitate growth of Deschampsia antarctica but not its survival
  21. Summer freezing resistance of high-elevation plant species changes with ontogeny
  22. Facilitative interactions do not wane with warming at high elevations in the Andes
  23. The effect of heat and smoke on the emergence of exotic and native seedlings in a Mediterranean fire-free matorral of central Chile
  24. Facilitation and interference at the intraspecific level: Recruitment of Kageneckia angustifolia D. Don (Rosaceae) in the montane sclerophyllous woodland of central Chile
  25. Efecto del aumento de la temperatura en la fotosíntesis de una especie alto-andina en dos altitudes
  26. Changes in the main vegetation types of Chile predicted under climate change based on a preliminary study: Models, uncertainties and adapting research to a dynamic biodiversity world
  27. Geographic mosaics of plant-soil microbe interactions in a global plant invasion
  28. Range-Expanding Populations of a Globally Introduced Weed Experience Negative Plant-Soil Feedbacks
  29. Processes at multiple scales affect richness and similarity of non-native plant species in mountains around the world
  30. The best for the guest: high Andean nurse cushions of Azorella madreporica enhance arbuscular mycorrhizal status in associated plant species
  31. Phenotypic variation in nurse traits and community feedbacks define an alpine community
  32. Survival and growth of Acacia dealbata vs. native trees across an invasion front in south-central Chile
  33. Assessing the importance of disturbance, site conditions, and the biotic barrier for dandelion invasion in an Alpine habitat
  34. Climatic drivers of plant–plant interactions and diversity in alpine communities
  35. Revisión de la clasificación de especies en categorías de amenaza en Chile
  36. Freezing resistance of high-elevation plant species is not related to their height or growth-form in the Central Chilean Andes
  37. Anthropogenic fires increase alien and native annual species in the Chilean coastal matorral
  38. Distinguishing local from global climate influences in the variation of carbon status with altitude in a tree line species
  39. Positive associations between the cushion plant Arenaria polytrichoides (Caryophyllaceae) and other alpine plant species increase with altitude in the Sino-Himalayas
  40. Summer freezing resistance decreased in high-elevation plants exposed to experimental warming in the central Chilean Andes
  41. Consequences of Facilitation of Species Diversity in Terrestrial Plant Communitites
  42. Predicting effects of ecosystem engineering on species richness along primary productivity gradients
  43. El fuego favorece la invasión de Teline monspessulana (Fabaceae) al aumentar su germinación
  44. Análisis cuantitativo de la investigación en invasiones biológicas en Chile: tendencias y desafíos
  45. Don’t Diss Integration: A Comment on Ricklefs’s Disintegrating Communities
  46. Do facilitative interactions increase species richness at the entire community level?
  47. Ain't no mountain high enough: plant invasions reaching new elevations
  48. Biological invasion of a refuge habitat: Anthriscus caucalis (Apiaceae) decreases diversity, evenness, and survival of native herbs in the Chilean matorral
  49. Gas exchange of juvenile and mature trees of Alnus jorullensis (Betulaceae) at sites with contrasting humidity in the Venezuelan Andes
  50. Floristic changes in alpine plant communities induced by the cushion plant Azorella madreporica (Apiaceae) in the Andes of central Chile
  51. Do heat and smoke increase emergence of exotic and native plants in the matorral of central Chile?
  52. Freezing resistance varies within the growing season and with elevation in high-Andean species of central Chile
  54. Litter burning does not equally affect seedling emergence of native and alien species of the Mediterranean-type Chilean matorral
  55. Positive interactions among plant species for pollinator service: assessing the ‘magnet species’ concept with invasive species
  56. Recovery of Alpine Plants after a Severe Human Disturbance in the Andes of Central Chile
  57. Distinguishing colonisation modes from spatial structures in populations of the cushion plantAzorella madreporicain the high-Andes of central Chile
  58. Alpine dandelions originated in the native and introduced range differ in their responses to environmental constraints
  59. Legitimate seed dispersal by lizards in an alpine habitat: The case of Berberis empetrifolia (Berberidaceae) dispersed by Liolaemus belii (Tropiduridae)
  60. Do climatically similar regions contain similar alien floras? A comparison between the mediterranean areas of central Chile and California
  61. Changing lenses to assess biodiversity: patterns of species richness in sub-Antarctic plants and implications for global conservation
  62. The presence of a showy invasive plant disrupts pollinator service and reproductive output in native alpine species only at high densities
  63. Does global warming induce segregation among alien and native beetle species in a mountain-top?
  64. Spatial patterns in cushion‐dominated plant communities of the high Andes of central Chile: How frequent are positive associations?
  65. Respuestas foliares de Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz (Elaeocarpaceae) a la fragmentación del bosque maulino
  66. Consecuencias de las variaciones microclimáticas sobre la visita de insectos polinizadores en dos especies de Chaetanthera (Asteraceae) en los Andes de Chile central
  67. Facilitation in plant communities: the past, the present, and the future
  68. Photosynthetic responses to temperature and light of Antarctic and Andean populations of Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae)
  69. Positive feedbacks between plant invasions and fire regimes: Teline monspessulana (L.) K. Koch (Fabaceae) in central Chile
  70. Ecosystem engineering facilitates invasions by exotic plants in high-Andean ecosystems
  71. Microclimatic Modifications of Cushion Plants and Their Consequences for Seedling Survival of Native and Non-native Herbaceous Species in the High Andes of Central Chile
  72. Assessing impacts of ecosystem engineers on community organization: a general approach illustrated by effects of a high-Andean cushion plant
  73. Nurse effect in seedling establishment: facilitation and tolerance to damage in the Andes of central Chile
  74. Evolución de la serie Microphyllae (Adesmia, Fabaceae) en la Cordillera de los Andes: una perspectiva biogeográfica
  75. Leaf litter of Kageneckia angustifolia D. Don (Rosaceae) inhibits seed germination in sclerophyllous montane woodlands of central Chile
  76. Impacts of ecosystem engineers on community attributes: effects of cushion plants at different elevations of the Chilean Andes
  77. Do biotic interactions shape both sides of the humped-back model of species richness in plant communities?
  78. Cushion Plants as Microclimatic Shelters for Two Ladybird Beetles Species in Alpine Zone of Central Chile
  79. Photosynthetic performance of Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. (Caryophyllaceae) in a high-elevation site of the Andes of central Chile
  80. Ecosystem engineering across ecosystems: do engineer species sharing common features have generalized or idiosyncratic effects on species diversity?
  81. Positive interactions between alpine plant species and the nurse cushion plant Laretia acaulis do not increase with elevation in the Andes of central Chile
  82. Carbon sink limitation and frost tolerance control performance of the tree Kageneckia angustifolia D. Don (Rosaceae) at the treeline in central Chile
  83. Nurse effect of the native cushion plant Azorella monantha on the invasive non-native Taraxacum officinale in the high-Andes of central Chile
  84. Browsing by guanaco (Lama guanicoe) on Nothofagus pumilio forest gaps in Tierra del Fuego, Chile
  85. Bottom-up effects of nutrient availability on flower production, pollinator visitation, and seed output in a high-Andean shrub
  86. Ecotypic Differentiation in Morphology and Cold Resistance in Populations of Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae) from the Andes of Central Chile and the Maritime Antarctic
  87. Biogeographical analysis of species of the tribe Cytiseae (Fabaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands
  88. Comparing alien plant invasions among regions with similar climates: where to from here?
  89. New additions to the introduced flora of the Juan Fernández Islands: origin, distribution, life history traits, and potential of invasion
  90. Patrones geográficos de distribución de árboles y arbustos en la zona de transición climática mediterráneo-templada de Chile
  92. Efectos de la planta en cojín Oreopolus glacialis (Rubiaceae) sobre la riqueza y diversidad de especies en una comunidad alto-andina de Chile central
  93. Nurse effect of Bolax gummifera cushion plants in the alpine vegetation of the Chilean Patagonian Andes
  94. Nurse effect of Bolax gummifera cushion plants in the alpine vegetation of the Chilean Patagonian Andes
  95. Efecto nodriza intra-específico de Kageneckia angustifolia D. Don (Rosaceae) sobre la germinación de semillas y sobrevivencia de plántulas en el bosque esclerófilo montano de Chile central
  96. Persistent soil seed banks in Phacelia secunda (Hydrophyllaceae): experimental detection of variation along an altitudinal gradient in the Andes of central Chile (33 S)
  97. Altitudinal vegetation belts in the high-Andes of central Chile (33°S)
  98. Gas exchange and low temperature resistance in two tropical high mountain tree species from the Venezuelan Andes
  99. VariaciOn morfolOgica de Phacelia secunda J.F. Gmel. (Hydrophyllaceae) a lo largo de un gradiente a ltitudinal en Chile central
  100. Acaena magellanica (Lam.) Vahl (Rosaceae)
  101. Persistent soil seed bank and standing vegetation at a high alpine site in the central Chilean Andes
  102. Phytogeographic Relationships and Regional Richness Patterns of the Cool Temperate Rainforest Flora of Southern South America
  103. Convergence in the Mediterranean Floras in Central Chile and California: Insights from Comparative Biogeography