All Stories

  1. Immediate rehabilitation of the posterior maxilla with extensive sinus pneumatization with one axial and one trans-sinus tilted implant: A 3-year clinical report and a classification
  2. Immediate Function of Partial Fixed Rehabilitation With Axial and Tilted Implants Having Intrasinus Insertion
  3. Riabilitazioni immediate parziali e totali sostenute da impianti assiali e inclinati a decorso intrasinusale: studio clinico pilota
  4. Clinical Investigation on Axial versus Tilted Implants for Immediate Fixed Rehabilitation of Edentulous Arches: Preliminary Results of a Single Cohort Study
  5. Immediate Fixed Rehabilitation of the Edentulous Maxilla: A Prospective Clinical and Radiological Study after 3 Years of Loading
  6. Bone Level Changes Around Axial and Tilted Implants in Full-Arch Fixed Immediate Restorations. Interim Results of a Prospective Study
  7. Tilted Implants for the Rehabilitation of Edentulous Jaws: A Systematic Review
  8. Immediate Rehabilitation of the Extremely Atrophic Mandible with Fixed Full-Prosthesis Supported by Four Implants
  9. Immediate Rehabilitation of the Mandible with Fixed Full Prosthesis Supported by Axial and Tilted Implants: Interim Results of a Single Cohort Prospective Study