All Stories

  1. Attention Deficits in Stroke Patients: The Role of Lesion Characteristics, Time from Stroke, and Concomitant Neuropsychological Deficits
  2. Normative data and validation of the Italian translation of the Working Memory Questionnaire (WMQ)
  3. Cognitive functions underlying prospective memory deficits: A study on traumatic brain injury
  4. Object recognition and location: Which component of object location memory for landmarks is affected by gender? Evidence from four to ten year-old children
  5. The enhanced cognitive interview: could individual differences in visuo-spatial working memory explain differences in recalling an event?
  6. Evidence of taxonomy for Developmental Topographical Disorientation: Developmental Landmark Agnosia Case 1
  7. Persistence of Traumatic Symptoms After Seven Years: Evidence from Young Individuals Exposed to the L’Aquila Earthquake
  8. Women outperform men in remembering to remember
  9. The virtual reality Walking Corsi Test
  10. Different neural modifications underpin PTSD after different traumatic events: an fMRI meta-analytic study
  11. EMDR therapy for PTSD after motor vehicle accidents: meta-analytic evidence for specific treatment
  12. Does Spatial Locative Comprehension Predict Landmark-Based Navigation?
  13. Peculiar body representation alterations in hemineglect: a case report
  14. A penny for your thoughts! patterns of fMRI activity reveal the content and the spatial topography of visual mental images
  15. Finding my own way: an fMRI single case study of a subject with developmental topographical disorientation
  16. Bisecting or Not Bisecting: This Is the Neglect Question. Line Bisection Performance in the Diagnosis of Neglect in Right Brain-Damaged Patients
  17. Looking for the compass in a case of developmental topographical disorientation: A behavioral and neuroimaging study
  18. Development of navigational working memory: Evidence from 6- to 10-year-old children
  19. Incontinentia Pigmenti: Learning Disabilities Are a Fundamental Hallmark of the Disease
  20. The Walking Corsi Test (WalCT): A Normative Study of Topographical Working Memory in a Sample of 4- to 11-Year-Olds
  21. Bottom-up and top-down processes in body representation: A study of brain-damaged and amputee patients.
  22. Deficits in visuo-spatial but not in topographical memory during pregnancy and the postpartum state in an expert military pilot: a case report
  23. Mental Rotation Task in a Pilot During and After Pregnancy
  24. Neglecting the Left Side of a City Square but Not the Left Side of Its Clock: Prevalence and Characteristics of Representational Neglect
  25. Segregation of neural circuits involved in spatial learning in reaching and navigational space
  26. Gender Effects on Mental Rotation in Pilots vs. Nonpilots
  27. Refractive Errors Affect the Vividness of Visual Mental Images
  28. Role of visuo-spatial working memory in path integration disorders in neglect
  29. Where Am I? A new case of developmental topographical disorientation
  30. A longitudinal study in atypical Cri-du chat profile: A single case report
  31. Narrative Discourse and Sociocognitive Abilities of a Child With Cri-du-Chat Syndrome
  32. Map-following skills in left and right brain-damaged patients with and without hemineglect
  33. The Walking Corsi Test (WalCT): standardization of the topographical memory test in an Italian population
  34. The roles of categorical and coordinate spatial relations in recognizing buildings
  35. Mirror writing resulting from an egocentric representation disorder: A case report
  36. Sex differences in a landmark environmental re-orientation task only during the learning phase
  37. Perspective changing in primary and secondary learning: A gender difference study
  38. Familiarity and Spatial Cognitive Style Scale
  39. Linguaggio Spaziale
  40. Memoria Di Posizione
  41. Orientamento topografico nell’uomo
  42. Rotazioni Mentali
  43. Come impariamo a muoverci nell’ambiente?
  44. I Percorsi Virtuali Di Kosmos (CD-ROM)
  45. Prerequisiti Di Percezione Visuo-Spaziale
  46. Riconoscimento Delle Posizioni Prospettiche
  47. Orientamento Topografico Nel Bambino
  48. Sviluppo Della Memoria Di Posizioni E Della Memoria Topografica: Dati Preliminari Di Uno Studio Condotto Su Bambini Dai 4 Ai 7 Anni
  49. Environmental orientation and navigation in different types of unilateral neglect
  50. Environment and object mental images in patients with representational neglect: Two case reports
  51. Does hemineglect affect visual mental imagery? Imagery deficits in representational and perceptual neglect
  52. Training computerizzato di coordinazione visuo-motoria TCCVM
  53. Applicazione del TCCVM nelle patologie genetiche: casi clinici
  54. Applicazione del TCCVM nelle encefalopatie congenite
  55. La coordinazione occhio-mano
  56. Descrizione del TCCVM
  57. Pure imagery neglect for places and objects
  58. Representational neglect and navigation in virtual space
  59. Topographical disorientation in a patient who never developed navigational skills: The (re)habilitation treatment
  60. Visual-motor coordination computerized training improves the visuo-spatial performance in a child affected by Cri-du-Chat syndrome
  61. Walking in the Corsi test: Which type of memory do you need?
  62. Neuropsychological Studies of Spatial Memory and Wayfinding: Why Getting Lost?
  63. Neural Substrates of Visual and Musical Art: A Book Review of ???Neuropsychology of Art: Neurologic, Cognitive, and Evolutionary Perspectives???
  64. What happens when the brain fails: neuropsychological studies on spatial memory
  65. Efficacy of Visuo-Spatial Training in Right-Brain Damaged Patients with Spatial Hemineglect and Attention Disorders
  66. Lack of orientation due to a congenital brain malformation: A case study
  67. Syndromes majeurs de l'hémisphère mineur
  68. Representational neglect and navigation in real space
  69. Syndromes majeurs de l'hémisphère mineur
  70. Language Disorder in a Child with Early Left Thalamic Lesion
  71. Dissociation Between Personal and Extrapersonal Neglect in a Crossed Aphasia Study
  72. Is autotopoagnosia real? EC says yes. A case study