All Stories

  1. Structural and molecular study of the supraspinatus muscle of modern humans (Homo sapiens ) and common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes )
  2. Morphological affinities of the proximal humerus of Epipliopithecus vindobonensis and Pliopithecus antiquus: Suspensory inferences based on a 3D geometric morphometrics approach
  3. Like Father, Like Son: Assessment of the Morphological Affinities of A.L. 288–1 (A. afarensis), Sts 7 (A. africanus) and Omo 119–73–2718 (Australopithecus sp.) through a Three-Dimensional Shape Analysis of the Shoulder Joint
  4. Shape analysis of the proximal humerus in orthograde and semi-orthograde primates: Correlates of suspensory behavior
  5. Ancient DNA Analysis of 8000 B.C. Near Eastern Farmers Supports an Early Neolithic Pioneer Maritime Colonization of Mainland Europe through Cyprus and the Aegean Islands
  6. Age-Related Tooth Wear Differs between Forest and Savanna Primates
  7. Brief communication: Developmental versus functional three-dimensional geometric morphometric-based modularity of the human proximal humerus
  8. Brief communication: Morphological effects of captivity: A geometric morphometric analysis of the dorsal side of the scapula in captive-bred and wild-caught hominoidea
  9. A Comparison of Qualitative and Quantitative Methodological Approaches to Characterizing the Dorsal Side of the Scapula in Hominoidea and Its Relationship to Locomotion
  10. 3D geometric morphometric analysis of the proximal epiphysis of the hominoid humerus
  11. Brief communication: Short- and long-term in vivo human buccal-dental microwear turnover
  12. Expression of Myosin Heavy Chain Isoforms in the Human Supraspinatus Muscle: Variations Related to Age and Sex
  13. Age and individual foraging behavior predict tooth wear in Amboseli baboons
  14. Testing hypotheses of dietary reconstruction from buccal dental microwear in Australopithecus afarensis
  15. Aspartic acid racemization variability in ancient human remains: implications in the prediction of ancient DNA recovery
  16. Buccal dental microwear variability in extant African Hominoidea: taxonomy versus ecology
  17. Y-chromosome haplotypes defined by 17 STRs included in AmpFlSTR Yfiler PCR Amplification Kit in a multi ethnical population from El Beni Department (North Bolivia)
  18. Mitochondrial DNA genetic relationships at the ancient Neolithic site of Tell Halula
  19. HUMTH01, HUMVWA31A, HUMCSF1PO and HUMTPOX polymorphisms in Amerindian populations living in the Beni Department of Bolivia
  20. 3-D interferometric microscopy applied to the study of buccal enamel microwear
  21. Mitochondrial DNA diversity of the Amerindian populations living in the Andean Piedmont of Bolivia: Chimane, Moseten, Aymara and Quechua
  22. Error rates in buccal-dental microwear quantification using scanning electron microscopy
  23. Nutrition in ancient hominids
  24. Comparative analysis of dental enamel polyvinylsiloxane impression and polyurethane casting methods for SEM research
  25. Dental Microwear Variability on Buccal Tooth Enamel Surfaces of Extant Catarrhini and the Miocene Fossil Dryopithecus laietanus (Hominoidea)
  26. Mitochondrial DNA diversity in the Llanos de Moxos: Moxo, Movima and Yuracare Amerindian populations from Bolivia lowlands
  27. HPLC and UV-Spectrophotometry Examination of Ancient DNA and PCR Inhibitors in Old Human Remains
  28. Major Mitochondrial DNA Haplotype Heterogeneity in Highland and Lowland Amerindian Populations from Bolivia
  30. Nonocclusal dental microwear analysis of 300,000-year-oldHomo heilderbergensisTeeth from Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)
  31. A multivariate analysis of Pleistocene hominids: testing hypotheses of European origins
  32. Dietary inferences through buccal microwear analysis of Middle and Upper Pleistocene human fossils
  33. A Multiplex Amplification Approach for Simultaneous Typing of Five Loci in DNA of Ancient Basque Populations
  34. Intraindividual and intragroup variability of buccal tooth striation pattern
  35. Microscopic study of the Banyoles mandible (Girona, Spain): diet, cultural activity and toothpick use