All Stories

  1. A Life with Poetry
  2. Cognitive Processes While Writing Poetry: An Expert-Novice Study
  3. Do fiction writers have superior perspective taking ability?
  4. Keeping the reader's mind in mind: Development of perspective-taking in children's dictations
  5. Thinking About a Reader’s Mind: Fostering Communicative Clarity in the Compositions of Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  6. Review of Van Peer, Hakemulder & Zyngier (2012): Scientific methods for the humanities
  7. Fostering symbolic interpretation during adolescence
  8. Literary arts and the development of the life story
  9. “The Educated Imagination”: Applying Instructional Research to the Teaching of Symbolic Interpretation of Poetry
  10. The Development of Poetic Literacy During the School Years
  11. The genre of poetry: Secondary school students’ conventional expectations and interpretive operations
  12. The effects of adding metacognitive language to story texts
  13. On reading poetry
  14. Representing the Mental World in Children's Social Behavior: Playing Hide-and-Seek and Keeping a Secret
  15. Constructing Meaning When Reading Poetry: An Expert-Novice Study
  16. Guise and Guile: Children's Understanding of Narratives in Which the Purpose of Pretense Is Deception
  17. Guise and Guile: Children's Understanding of Narratives in Which the Purpose of Pretense Is Deception
  18. Ruse and representations: On children's ability to conceal information.