All Stories

  1. Review of Schneider & Eitelmann (2020): Linguistic inquiries into Donald Trump’s Language: From ‘Fake News’ to ‘Tremendous Success’
  2. Hunting for “Racists”: Tape Fetishism and the Intertextual Enactment and Reproduction of the Dominant Understanding of Racism in US Society
  3. Accusatory and exculpatory moves in the hunting for “Racists” language game
  4. Surveillance & Modesty on Social Media
  5. The paranoid style in politics
  6. Ideologies of language and race in US media discourse about the Trayvon Martin shooting
  7. Sociocultural Linguistics
  8. War Discourse
  9. Intertextuality in Discourse
  10. Rethinking Context: Leveraging Human and Machine Computation in Disaster Response
  11. Discourses of War and Peace
  12. War, Discourse, and Peace
  13. The Generic US Presidential War Narrative
  14. The "War on Terror" Narrative
  15. The Narrative’s Part-Whole Textual Interdependence
  16. Introduction
  17. Conclusion
  18. The Characterization of 9/11 and America’s Response to Terrorism
  19. The Construction of Al Qaeda and Iraq as Linked Antagonists
  20. Intertextual Series: Reproduction and Resistance in the Media
  21. Talking Politics: The Narrative’s Reception among College Students
  22. Whose Vietnam?: Discursive Competition over the Vietnam Analogy
  23. Discursive Constructions of Global War and Terror
  24. The Soft Power of War edited by Lilie Chouliaraki
  25. The politics of recontextualization: discursive competition over claims of Iranian involvement in Iraq
  26. Language and Politics by John E. Joseph
  27. Discourse, War and Terrorism
  28. The Political Economy of Truth in the “War on Terror” Discourse: Competing Visions of an Iraq/al Qaeda Connection
  29. Linguistic Diversity and Language Theories
  30. ‘Yes, We Can’ : The Social Life of a Political Slogan