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  1. Impulsive noise pollution in the Northeast Atlantic: Reported activity during 2015–2017
  2. Harbour porpoise responses to pile-driving diminish over time
  3. Underwater noise abatement: Economic factors and policy options
  4. Wind Speed Measured from Underwater Gliders Using Passive Acoustics
  5. Habitat degradation negatively affects auditory settlement behavior of coral reef fishes
  6. Guiding principles for assessing the impact of underwater noise
  7. Vessel noise cuts down communication space for vocalizing fish and marine mammals
  8. Marine Noise Budgets in Practice
  9. Responses of bottlenose dolphins and harbor porpoises to impact and vibration piling noise during harbor construction
  10. Seals and shipping: quantifying population risk and individual exposure to vessel noise
  11. Underwater Ambient Noise in a Baleen Whale Migratory Habitat Off the Azores
  12. Underwater noise levels in UK waters
  13. Evidence for ship noise impacts on humpback whale foraging behaviour
  14. Particle motion: the missing link in underwater acoustic ecology
  15. Underwater noise modelling for environmental impact assessment
  16. Soundscape and Noise Exposure Monitoring in a Marine Protected Area Using Shipping Data and Time-Lapse Footage
  17. Measuring acoustic habitats
  18. Quantifying the effect of boat disturbance on bottlenose dolphin foraging activity
  19. Soundscapes and vocal behavior of humpback whales in Massachusetts Bay
  20. Monitoring ship noise to assess the impact of coastal developments on marine mammals
  21. Remote performance assessment of cabled observatory hydrophone systems
  22. Short-term disturbance by a commercial two-dimensional seismic survey does not lead to long-term displacement of harbour porpoises
  23. Spectral probability density as a tool for marine ambient noise analysis
  24. Spectral probability density as a tool for ambient noise analysis
  25. Spectral probability density as a tool for marine ambient noise analysis
  26. Averaging underwater noise levels for environmental assessment of shipping
  27. Assessing sound exposure from shipping in coastal waters using a single hydrophone and Automatic Identification System (AIS) data