All Stories

  1. Welcome to the Real World: Professional-Level Translator Certification
  2. Certification and Job Task Analysis (JTA): Establishing Validity of Translator Certification Examinations
  3. Einstein's Opponents
  4. Post-Editing of Machine Translation
  5. Commercial Translation
  6. Computer editing as a translation efficiency skill: Summary evidence from keystrokes
  7. Translation studies in translation: Klaus Berger and Christiane Nord's "the nature of the translation"
  8. Book Review: Brian James Baer, Geoffrey S. Koby (eds), Beyond the Ivory Tower: Rethinking Translation Pedagogy. John Benjamins Publishing Co., Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 2003, xvi + 258 pp.
  9. Beyond the Ivory Tower
  10. Introduction
  11. Assessing assessment
  12. Task-based instruction and the new technology
  13. Krings, Hans P. (2001): Repairing Texts: Empirical Investigations of Machine Translation Post-Editing Processes (Geoffrey S. Koby, ed.), The Kent State University Press, Kent, Ohio & London, 558 p.
  14. Part II: English Terminology
  15. Revising Biblical Translation: Luther's Lexical Choices in Matthew between 1522 (Septembertestament) and 1545, Compared with the Greek Source Text
  16. The Germanic languages: Origins and early dialectal interrelations. Hans Frede Nielsen. Tuscaloosa: Univ. of Alabama Press, 1989. Pp. 177
  17. Translator’s preface: making the imaginary accessible – translating Einstein’s Opponents
  18. Preface
  19. Introduction
  20. The world riddle solvers
  21. The confrontation with the theory of relativity
  22. Conclusion
  23. References
  24. The debate on the content of the theory of relativity
  25. Marginalization and protest: the strategic dispute with the theory of relativity
  26. The ATA Flowchart and Framework as a Differentiated Error-Marking Scale in Translation Teaching