All Stories

  1. Review of Pizzoli (2018): La politica linguistica in Italia. Dall’unificazione nazionale al dibattito sull’internazionalizzazione
  2. Paronomastic Infinitives in North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic: A Typological Approach
  3. The position of Piedmontese on the Romance grammaticalization cline
  4. La tirannia della tastiera
  5. A linguistic sketch of Judeo-Piedmontese and what it tells us about Piedmontese Jews’ origins
  6. French déjà, Piedmontese Regional Italian già
  7. A Sociolinguistic Account of WikiPiedmontese and WikiLombard / Eine soziolinguistische Auswertung von Wiki-Piedmontesisch und Wiki-Lombardisch / Etude sociolinguistique des Wikipédias en piémontais et en lombard
  8. Birth, Death and Resurrection of Connectives in today’s online Piedmontese