All Stories

  1. The Emergence of Expressible Agency and Irony in Today’s China: A Semantic Explanation of the New Bèi-construction
  2. "Happiness" and "Pain" across Languages and Cultures
  3. "Happiness" and "Pain" across Languages and Cultures
  4. Exploring “happiness” and “pain” across languages and cultures
  5. The meaning of “happiness” (xìngfú) and “emotional pain” (tòngkŭ) in Chinese
  6. Understanding the Conceptual Basis of the ‘Old Friend’ Formula in Chinese Social Interaction and Foreign Diplomacy: A Cultural Script Approach
  7. Comparing the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) approach to emotion and the GRID paradigm1
  8. Eating and Drinking in Mandarin and Shanghainese: A Lexical-Conceptual Analysis
  9. 6. Taste as a gateway to Chinese cognition
  10. 7. 'Memorisation', learning and cultural cognition: The notion ofbèi('auditory memorisation') in the written Chinese tradition
  11. When 'empty words' are not empty: Examples from the semantic analyses of some 'emotional adverbs' in Mandarin Chinese
  12. The Chinese Folk Model of Facial Expressions: a Linguistic Perspective
  13. Chinese categorization of interpersonal relationships and the cultural logic of Chinese social interaction: An indigenous perspective
  14. ‘La Double Vie de Veronica’: reflections on my life as a Chinese migrant in Australia
  15. Different modes of describing emotions in Chinese
  16. Los sentimientos morales de la «tristeza» china. Una ilustración del acercamiento del Metalenguaje Semántico Natural (MSN) al análisis de algunas emociones chinas «básicas»
  17. An inquiry into “sadness” in Chinese
  18. 5. Why the “inscrutable” Chinese face? Emotionality and facial expression in Chinese