All Stories

  1. Cognitive Linguistics for Linguists
  2. Natural Phonology and Sound Change
  3. Where is the Natural Phonology Phoneme in 2009?
  4. A Cognitive Grammar Introduction to Phonology
  5. Acquisition of stress and pitch accent in English–Spanish bilingual children
  6. Vowel space development in a child acquiring English and Spanish from birth
  7. Click sounds in a Chinese Nursery Rhyme
  8. The Speech Sciences
  9. The speech sciences By Raymond D. Kent
  10. What Functionalists can Learn from Formalists in Phonology [What formalists can learn from functionalists in phonology]
  11. The Sounds of the World's Languages
  12. The sounds of the world's languages By Peter Ladefoged and Ian Maddieson
  13. Quantity Adjustment: Vowel Lengthening and Shortening in Early Middle English
  14. Naturalness in phonology
  15. First He Called Her a Philologist and Then She Insulted Him
  16. An Introduction to Japanese Phonology
  17. Über Aspiration: Ein Kapitel aus der natürlichen Phonologie
  18. Orthography and Phonology
  19. Preliminaries to a theory of phonological substance
  20. Metrical Phonology: A Coursebook
  21. Phonologie et linéarité: Réflexions critiques sur les postulats de la phonologie contemporaine
  22. Cyclic and Lexical Phonology: The Structure of Polish
  23. Fortis and Lenis in Germanic
  24. Fortis and lenis in Germanic By Gerda I. Alexander
  25. The Phonology of Modern English
  26. Unbetonter Vokalismus und Silbenstruktur im Romanischen: Beitrage zu einer dynamischen Prozesstypologie
  27. The phonology of modern English By Wiktor Jassem
  28. Negative polarity and the Romance subjunctive
  29. Syntax: Generative Grammar
  30. Nauruan in the Austronesian Language Family
  31. Steps towards a cognitive phonology
  32. On the non-acquisition of an English sound pattern