All Stories

  1. The commitment of rhetorical questions
  2. Istro-Romanian Subjunctive Clauses
  3. The dative/accusative alternations in Old Romanian
  4. Subjunctives in Romanian Languages: Micro-Parametric Variation in Complement CPs and the Periphrastic Future
  5. The syntactization of kinship in vocative phrases
  6. The acquisition of adverbs in child L3 French in Canada
  7. Syntactic patterns for Romanian olfactive verbs
  8. Grammaticalization of auxiliaries and parametric changes
  9. Evidentiality and Raising to Object as A′-Movement: A Romanian Case Study
  10. Verb Movement and Clause Structure in Old Romanian
  11. Research background and theoretical framework
  12. Subjects, complementizers, and clitics
  13. Imperative clauses
  14. Gerund clauses
  15. High verb movement in finite clauses
  16. De-indicatives: A faithful replica of the Balkan subjunctive
  17. A-infinitives: A version of the Balkan subjunctive
  18. Să-subjunctives: Another version of the Balkan subjunctive
  19. Supine clauses: On the road to balkanization
  20. Formal Approaches to DPs in Old Romanian
  21. From preposition to topic marker: Old Romanian pe
  22. Discourse-driven V-to-C in Early Modern Romanian
  23. DE-Infinitives as Complements to Romanian Nouns
  24. Vocatives
  25. 8 Taking Stock
  26. 7 Ramifications—The Imperative
  27. 1 A Formal Twist for the Same Old Story
  28. 5 The Speech Act Connection: Particles of Direct Address
  29. 6 The Vocative and the Clause
  30. 4 The System Behind the Noise
  31. 3 The Core of the Matter: Identifying and Interacting with the Addressee
  32. 2 Back to the (Theoretical) Drawing Board: Was Ross Right After All?
  33. The emergence of the Romanian supine
  34. The Syntacticization of Discourse*
  35. The Direct Object Marker in Romanian: A Historical Perspective
  36. The emergence of the Romanian subjunctive
  37. Chapter 15. Vocatives
  38. Romanian ‘can’
  39. Object Clitic Omission in French-Speaking Children: Effects of the Elicitation Task
  40. A main clause complementizer
  41. Mapping the information structure in Early Modern Bulgarian clauses with the particle TA
  42. Modal grammaticalization and the pragmatic field
  43. Edges, Heads, and Projections
  44. Introduction
  45. 5. Romanian clitic doubling: A view from pragmatics-semantics and diachrony
  46. Vocatives and the pragmatics–syntax interface
  47. Romanian adverbs and the pragmatic field
  48. An irrealis BE auxiliary in Romanian
  49. Stylistic Inversion in Romanian*
  50. On left periphery and focus
  51. The gray area of supine clauses
  52. Adhering Focus
  53. The Syntax of Romanian: Comparative Studies in Romance
  54. Features and strategies: the internal syntax of vocative phrases
  55. Introduction