All Stories

  1. Diachrony and Diachronica
  2. Complexity as L2-difficulty: Implications for syntactic change
  3. Interpreting (un)interpretability
  4. The Determinants of Diachronic Stability
  5. An automatic part-of-speech tagger for Middle Low German
  6. Nullsubjekte im Mittelniederdeutschen
  7. Indefinites, negation and Jespersen’s Cycle in the history of Low German
  8. Review of Sapp (2011): The Verbal Complex in Subordinate Clauses from Medieval to Modern German
  9. Continuity and Change in Grammar
  10. Auxiliary drop as subordination marking
  11. Auxiliary drop in Early Modern German
  12. Dative case, morphological decay, and structural deficiency