All Stories

  1. Thinking by metaphor, fast and slow: Deliberate Metaphor Theory offers a new model for metaphor and its comprehension
  2. Slowing Metaphor Down
  3. Attractive or repellent? How right-wing populist voters respond to figuratively framed anti-immigration rhetoric
  4. Metaphor in The Cancer Poetry Project
  5. Introduction
  6. Dynamism in Metaphor and Beyond
  7. The use of clarificatory metaphors in argumentative discourse in British Public Bill Committee debates
  8. Experimental Approaches to Pragmatics
  9. How do scientists criticize the computer metaphor of the brain?
  10. “For crying out loud, don't call me a warrior”: Standpoints of resistance against violence metaphors for cancer
  11. Violence metaphors for cancer
  12. The role of co-text in the analysis of potentially deliberate metaphor
  13. An argumentative reconstruction of the computer metaphor of the brain
  14. Metaphor in communication: the distribution of potentially deliberate metaphor across register and word class
  15. How to identify moral language in presidential speeches: A comparison between a social-psychological and a cognitive-linguistic approach to corpus analysis
  16. Deliberate metaphors and embodied simulation
  17. I did not say that the government should be plundering anybody’s savings
  18. Perspectives on Abstract Concepts
  19. Figurative analogies and how they are resisted in British Public Bill Committee debates
  20. Visual Metaphor
  21. Chapter 8. Conclusion
  22. Chapter 5. Behavioral evidence for VISMIP
  23. On metaphorical views, dynamite, and doodlings
  24. General image understanding in visual metaphor identification
  25. Metaphor, hyperbole, and irony: Uses in isolation and in combination in written discourse
  26. Tipping Points and Climate Change: Metaphor Between Science and the Media
  27. Chapter 4. Introducing a three-dimensional model of verbal irony
  28. DMIP: A Method for Identifying Potentially Deliberate Metaphor in Language Use
  29. Attention to Metaphor: Where Embodied Cognition and Social Interaction Can Meet, But May Not Often Do So
  30. Recategorizing political frames: a systematic review of metaphorical framing in experiments on political communication
  31. The Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics
  32. Pragmatics Broadly Viewed
  33. Deliberate Metaphor Theory: Basic assumptions, main tenets, urgent issues
  34. VU Amsterdam Metaphor Corpus
  35. “Smoking Is Sóóó ... Sandals and White Socks”: Co-Creation of a Dutch Anti-Smoking Campaign to Change Social Norms
  36. Genre in Language, Discourse and Cognition
  37. Genre in Language, Discourse and Cognition: Introduction to the volume
  38. Figurative Framing: Shaping Public Discourse Through Metaphor, Hyperbole, and Irony
  39. Chapter 6. Mixed metaphor is a question of deliberateness
  40. Developing, testing and interpreting Deliberate Metaphor Theory
  41. How viruses and beasts affect our opinions (or not)
  42. When Do Natural Language Metaphors Influence Reasoning? A Follow-Up Study to Thibodeau and Boroditsky (2013)
  43. Metaphor studies in retrospect and prospect
  44. Economic competition is like auto racing
  45. Review of Steen, Dorst, Herrmann, Kaal, Krennmayr & Pasma (2010): A Method for Linguistic Metaphor Identification: From MIP to MIPVU
  46. Web-based depression treatment: Associations of clients׳ word use with adherence and outcome
  47. Genres of Discourse and the Definition of Literature
  48. Processing visual metaphor
  49. The contemporary theory of metaphor — now new and improved!
  50. Finding Metaphor in Grammar and Usageby Gerard J. Steen
  51. Recognition of personifications in fiction by non-expert readers
  52. Metaphor, Language, and Discourse Processes
  53. Kathryn Allan, Metaphor and metonymy: A diachronic approach (Publications of the Philological Society 42). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. Pp. x + 255. ISBN 978-1-4051-9085-5.
  54. What does ‘really deliberate’ really mean?
  55. The contemporary theory of metaphor — now new and improved!
  56. The language of knowledge management: A linguistic approach to metaphor analysis
  57. Genre between the humanities and the sciences
  58. Issues in collecting converging evidence
  59. Metaphor in language and thought
  60. A Method for Linguistic Metaphor Identification
  61. Researching And Applying Metaphor
  62. Metaphor in usage
  63. 9. Pragglejaz in practice
  64. Book Review: Finding Metaphor in Grammar and Usage: A Methodological Analysis of Theory and Research by Gerard Steen, 2008. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 430. ISBN 978 90 272 3897 9 (hbk)
  65. Deliberate Metaphor Affords Conscious Metaphorical Cognition
  66. Deliberate Metaphor Affords Conscious Metaphorical Cognition
  67. Three Kinds of Metaphor in Discourse: A Linguistic Taxonomy
  68. Review of Hannay & Steen (2007): Structural-Functional Studies in English Grammar: In Honour of Lachlan Mackenzie
  69. The Paradox of Metaphor: Why We Need a Three-Dimensional Model of Metaphor
  70. Finding Metaphor in Grammar and Usage
  71. Structural-Functional Studies in English Grammar
  72. Review of Kepser & Reis (2005): Linguistic evidence: Empirical, theoretical, and computational perspectives
  73. MIP: A Method for Identifying Metaphorically Used Words in Discourse
  74. MIP: A Method for Identifying Metaphorically Used Words in Discourse
  75. Metaphor in applied linguistics: four cognitive approaches
  76. Metaphor: Stylistic Approaches
  77. Basic Discourse Acts: towards a psychological theory of discourse segmentation
  78. Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast
  79. Questions about metaphor in literature
  80. Introduction: Metaphor across languages
  81. Can discourse properties of metaphor affect metaphor recognition?
  82. Perspectives on Discourse: The State of the Art
  83. Cognitive Poetics in Practice
  84. Metaphor and Metonymy at the Crossroads: A Cognitive Perspective
  85. A Historical View of Empirical Poetics: Trends and Possibilities
  86. Metaphor in Bob Dylan’s “Hurricane”
  87. The Psychology and Sociology of Literature
  88. The empirical study of literature
  89. A rhetoric of metaphor
  90. Language, Text and Discourse: Robert Browning’s “Meeting at Night” and “Parting at Morning”
  91. Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics
  92. Discourse studies: A multidisciplinary introduction (two volumes)
  93. Genres of discourse and the definition of literature
  94. Introduction
  95. From linguistic to conceptual metaphor in five steps
  96. Steen, Gerard (1994) Understanding Metaphor in Literature: an empirical approach
  97. Understanding Metaphor in Literature: An Empirical Approach
  98. Understanding Metaphor in Literature
  99. Literary and Nonliterary Aspects of Metaphor
  100. The empirical study of literary reading: Methods of data collection
  101. How to Do Things with Metaphor in Literature
  102. Review of Sabine de Knop, Metaphorische Komposita in Zeitungsüberschriften
  103. Metaphor and literary comprehension: Towards a discourse theory of metaphor in literature
  104. Metaphor and style
  105. Metaphor and discourse: Towards a linguistic checklist for metaphor analysis
  106. Metaphor in literature