All Stories

  1. Early Titanic Jokes: A disaster for the theory of disaster jokes?
  2. The Discourse of Online Sportscasting
  3. The Dynamics of Interactional Humor
  4. Representing the Other in European Media Discourses
  5. Gil-Salom & Soler-Monreal, eds. (2014). Dialogicity in Written Specialised Genres
  6. Participation in Public and Social Media Interactions
  7. Participant roles and embedded interactions in online sports broadcasts
  8. Researching interactional forms and participant structures in public and social media
  9. Pragmatics of Tense and Time in News
  10. “…but there were no broken legs”
  11. Butters, Ronald R.
  12. Grammar in the Law
  13. Humour in quasi-conversations
  14. Chapter 4. Legitimation through differentiation
  15. Online Discussion and Interaction