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  1. How can planning for accessibility lead to more integrated transport and land-use strategies? Two examples from the Netherlands
  2. How does transit-oriented development contribute to station area accessibility? A study in Beijing
  3. Is transit-oriented development (TOD) an internationally transferable policy concept?
  4. Understanding transitions in the regional transport and land-use system: Munich 1945–2013
  5. Policy transfer among planners in transit-oriented development
  6. What constitutes a “successful” mega transport project?/Leadership, risk and storylines: The case of the Sydney Cross City Tunnel/The case of the LGV Méditerranée high speed railway line/Dealing with context and uncertainty in the development of the At...
  7. Adaptive Capacity Within a Mega Project: A Case Study on Planning and Decision-Making in the Face of Complexity
  8. Identifying Barriers to Transit-Oriented Development