All Stories

  1. The Evidential Basis of Linguistic Argumentation
  2. Chapter 10. Data and the resolution of inconsistency in Optimality Theory
  3. Chapter 11. Conclusions
  4. Chapter 1. Introduction: The state of the art and the structure of the book
  5. Chapter 2. The p-model of data and evidence in linguistics
  6. Chapter 9. Thought experiments and real experiments as converging data sources in pragmatics
  7. Paraconsistency and Plausible Argumentation in Generative Grammar: A Case Study
  8. The fabulous engine: strengths and flaws of psycholinguistic experiments
  9. Data, problems, heuristics and results in cognitive metaphor research
  10. Data and Evidence in Linguistics
  11. Cyclic vs. circular argumentation in the Conceptual Metaphor Theory
  12. Inconsistency and plausible reasoning in an analysis of German affricates: A case study in the philosophy of linguistics
  13. Plausible argumentation
  14. Plausible inferences
  15. Introduction
  16. The problem (P)I
  17. Historical background
  18. The problem (P)II
  19. Historical background
  20. The problem (P)III
  21. The problem (P)IV
  22. The problem (P)V
  23. Summary
  24. Notes
  25. References
  26. The concept of ‘datum’ and ‘evidence’
  27. Preface
  28. The partial rejection of (SVLD) in the practice of object-scientific research
  29. The partial rejection of (SVLD) in metascientific reflection
  30. The solution to (P)I
  31. The solution to (P)II
  32. The solution to (P)III
  33. A case study: a reconstruction of Gentner & Wolff (1997)
  34. The solution to (P)IV
  35. The answers to (OQ1)--(OQ7)
  36. The solution to (P)V