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  1. Pulmonary strongyloidiasis: A case report from Western Uttar Pradesh
  2. Evaluation of various techniques for the detection of Nocardia species in clinically evident cases of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis
  3. In-use tests for detection of microbial contamination in hospital disinfectants and antiseptics
  4. Evaluation of various techniques among clinically suspected patients of pulmonary tuberculosis with and without the presence of HIV infection
  5. Simultaneous detection of Extended-spectrum-β-lactamase, AmpC-β-lactamase and Metallo-β-lactamase in gram negative clinical isolates on a single plate
  6. Evaluation of rapid techniques for the detection of mycobacteria in sputum with scanty bacilli or clinically evident, smear negative cases of pulmonary and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis