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  1. Can concentrated solar-driven supercritical CO2 power cycles help address the energy-water nexus?
  2. New insights into the physics of inertial microfluidics in curved microchannels. I. Relaxing the fixed inflection point assumption
  3. New insights into the physics of inertial microfluidics in curved microchannels. II. Adding an additive rule to understand complex cross-sections
  4. Efficiency, economics, and the urban heat island
  5. Urban Heat Island: Mechanisms, Implications, and Possible Remedies
  6. Thermal stability of carbon nanotube-based nanofluids for solar thermal collectors
  7. Manufacturing and wetting low-cost microfluidic cell separation devices
  8. Photovoltaic/thermal system performance utilizing thin film and nanoparticle dispersion based optical filters
  9. Small particles, big impacts: A review of the diverse applications of nanofluids
  10. Applicability of nanofluids in high flux solar collectors