All Stories

  1. Seed dormancy break and germination by a rare relict of the Würmian glaciation in the Iberian Peninsula: Euonymus latifolius (Celastraceae)
  2. Can botanic gardens serve as refuges for taxonomic and functional diversity of Odonata? The case of the botanic garden of Castilla–La Mancha (Spain)
  3. Embryo growth and seed germination of four taxa of Narcissus (section Pseudonarcissi ) conserved under non‐recalcitrant seed conditions in germplasm banks
  4. El Jardín Botánico de Castilla-La Mancha (Albacete, España), refugio de un grupo bioindicador: los sírfidos (Diptera, Syrphidae)
  5. Seed germination requirements of relictic and broadly-distributed populations of Chaerophyllumaureum (Apiaceae): connecting ecophysiology and genetic identity
  6. Influencia de las condiciones de temperatura e iluminación en la rotura de latencia y germinación de los endemismos mediterráneos Scilla paui y Scilla ramburei (Liliaceae)
  7. Non-deep simple morphophysiological dormancy in seeds of Viburnum lantana (Caprifoliaceae), a new dormancy level in the genus Viburnum
  8. Species-specific environmental requirements to break seed dormancy: implications for selection of regeneration niches in three Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae) species