All Stories

  1. Molecular Interactions (Molecular and Surface Forces)
  2. Surfactant Assemblies (Micelles, Vesicles, Emulsions, Films, etc.), an Overview
  3. Stiction of confined star polymer melts
  4. Nanotribology of Symmetric and Asymmetric Liquid Lubricants
  5. Structural aging and stiction dynamics in confined liquid films
  6. 高分子液体潤滑剤のナノトライボロジー
  7. Nanotribological Properties of Molecularly Thin Polymer Melt Films Studied using the Surface Forces Apparatus
  8. Dynamic Transitions in Molecularly Thin Liquid Films under Frictional Sliding
  9. Nanotribology of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Melt Confined between Hydrophobic Surfaces
  10. Nanotribology of Ethers:  Effects of Molecular Asymmetry and Fluoroalkyl Chains
  11. Layering Transitions and Tribology of Molecularly Thin Films of Poly(dimethylsiloxane)
  12. Shear Properties for Thin Films of Star and Linear Polymer Melts
  13. Friction and Adhesion Hysteresis of Fluorocarbon Surfactant Monolayer-Coated Surfaces Measured with the Surface Forces Apparatus