All Stories

  1. Non-caliphal Rulers and Their Writings in the Islamic West (2nd–9th/8th–15th Centuries)
  2. A Christian Iberian Attack on Twelfth-Century Medina? Keys to Understanding an Unusual Story
  3. Pierre Guichard (1939-2021) : un souvenir personnel
  4. Cyrille Aillet (ed.): L’Ibadisme, une minorité au coeur de l’islam, thème sur la direction de Cyrille Aillet, Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée, Série Histoire, Aix-en-Provence
  5. Dhimmīs in Fatimid Egypt: A View from the Islamic West
  6. Holy places in Umayyad al-Andalus
  7. The Islamic West in the Time of Maimonides: The Almohad Revolution
  8. Maribel Fierro, The Almohad Revolution: Politics and Religion in the Islamic West during the Twelfth–Thirteenth Centuries . (Variorum Collected Studies Series.) Farnham, Surrey, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Variorum, 2012. Pp. xiv, 342. $154.95. IS...
  9. Introduction.The Control of Knowledge in Islamic Societies
  10. The Religious Policy of the Almohads
  11. Codifying the Law: The Case of the Medieval Islamic West
  12. Public Violence in Islamic Societies: Power, Discipline and the Construction of the Public Sphere, 7th–19th Centuries CE. Edited by Christian Lange and Maribel Fierro. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009. Pp. 304. ISBN 10: 0748637311; ISBN 13: ...
  13. La afrenta de Corpes y la autoría árabe del Cantar de Mio Cid
  14. Ibn Ḥazm of Cordoba
  15. Ibn Ḥazm and the Jewish zindīq
  16. Maribel Fierro and Francisco García Fitz, eds., El cuerpo derrotado: Cómo trataban musulmanes y cristianos a los enemigos vencidos (Península ibérica, ss. VIII–XIII) . (Estudios Árabes e Islámicos, Monografías, 15.) Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investi...
  17. Local and global in Ḥadīth literature:
  18. The Battle Of The Ditch (Al-Khandaq) Of The Cordoban Caliph ‘Abd Al-Raḥmān III
  19. Conversion, ancestry and universal religion: the case of the Almohads in the Islamic West (sixth/twelfth–seventh/thirteenth centuries)
  20. Alfonso X "The Wise": The Last Almohad Caliph?
  21. Algunas reflexiones sobre el poder itinerante almohade.
  22. Public Violence in Islamic SocietiesPower, Discipline, and the Construction of the Public Sphere, 7th-19th Centuries CE
  23. Emulating Abraham: the Fāṭimid al-Qāɔim and the Umayyad cAbd al-Raḥmān III
  24. Original Islam. Malik and the madhhab of Madina
  25. Alfonso X "The Wise": The Last Almohad Caliph?
  26. Decapitation of Christians and Muslims in the Medieval Iberian Peninsula: Narratives, Images, Contemporary Perceptions
  27. Idrah'ū l-hudūd bi-l-shubuhāt: When Lawful Violence Meets Doubt
  28. Por qué 'Abd al-Raḥmān III sucedió a su abuelo el emir 'Abd Allāh
  29. Madīnat al-Zahrā', el paraíso y los fatimíes
  30. ¿Hubo propaganda fatimí entre los Kutāma andalusíes?
  31. La política religiosa de 'Abd al-Raḥmān III (r. 300/912-350/961)
  32. La nisba al-Anṣārī en al-Andalus y el cadí Munḏir b. Sacīd
  33. El título de la crónica almohade de Ibn Ṣāḥib al-ṣalāt
  34. Las genealogías de cAbd al-Mu'min, primer califa almohade
  35. Las hijas de al-Ḥakam I y la revuelta del Arrabal
  36. Presentación
  37. Tkfāt al-barbariyya y el destino de los omeyas en al-Andalus
  38. Documentos legales en fuentes andalusíes
  39. Le mahdi Ibn Tûmart et al-Andalus : l'élaboration de la légitimité almohade1
  40. Introduction
  41. The New Cambridge History of Islam
  42. The Almohads (524–668/1130–1269) and the Ḥafṣids (627–932/1229–1526)
  44. Spiritual Alienation and Political Activism: The Gurabā' in Al-Andalus During the Sixth/Twelfth Century
  46. Maribel Fierro(ed. and tr.): Abū Bakr al-Ṭurūšī (m. 520/1126), Kitāb al-Ḥawādiṯ Wa-l-bida' (El libro de las novedādes y las innovaciones).(Fuentes arảbico-hispanas, 14.). 467 pp. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigacions Cientificas. Instituto, de Coo...
  47. Batinism in Al-Andalus. Maslama b. Qasim al-Qurtubi (d. 353/964), Author of the "Rutbat al-Hakim" and the "Ghayat al-Hakim (Picatrix)"
  48. Spanish Scholarship on Islamic Law
  49. On an Alleged Tenth Century Muwaššaha
  50. Al-Asfar
  51. Kitab al-Bida'
  52. The polemic about the karāmāt al-awliyā’ and the development of Ṣūfism in al-Andalus (fourth/tenth–fifth/eleventh centuries)
  53. The treatises against innovations (kutub al-bida‘)
  54. Ibn Hazm et le zindiq juif
  55. La heterodoxia en al-Andalus durante el Periodo Omeya
  56. The Introduction of ḥadīth in al-Andalus (2nd/8th-3rd/9th centuries)
  57. La polemique a propos de raf' al-yadayn fi l-salat dans al-Andalus
  58. Hostages and the Dangers of Cultural Contact: Two Cases from Umayyad Cordoba