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  1. Designing pension communication
  2. Vivid elements in Dutch educational texts
  3. The argument from example in health communication
  4. Viewpoint representation in journalistic crime narratives: An analysis of grammatical roles and referential expressions
  5. Texts, Transmissions, Receptions
  6. 7 Constructing the Landscape of Consciousness in News Stories
  7. The Occurrence and Effects of Verbal and Visual Anchoring of Tropes on the Perceived Comprehensibility and Liking of TV Commercials
  8. The Role of Identification and Perception of Just Outcome in Evoking Emotions in Narrative Persuasion
  9. Issue-relevant thinking and identification as mechanisms of narrative persuasion
  10. Het bevooroordeelde gebruik van argumentatieschemaspecifieke criteria - Hangt argumentkwaliteit af van het standpunt van de gebruiker?
  11. Lekencriteria voor de evaluatie van vijf soorten argumentatie
  12. De rol van emoties in narratieve overtuiging
  13. Arguing about the likelihood of consequences: Laypeople's criteria to distinguish strong arguments from weak ones
  14. Narratieve interventies verleiden tot gezonder gedrag
  15. Arguing about desirable consequences: What constitutes a convincing argument?
  16. De rol van begrijpelijke taal in een digitale context - Ontwikkelingen op de domeinen Leven Lang Leren, complexe financiële producten, bestuur en politiek, en gezondheid
  17. Identification as a Mechanism of Narrative Persuasion
  18. Explicit and implicit messages in telehealth
  19. Narratieve evidentie, levendigheid en overtuigingskracht
  20. When is Statistical Evidence Superior to Anecdotal Evidence in Supporting Probability Claims? The Role of Argument Type
  21. Using Message Form to Stimulate Conversations: The Case of Tropes
  22. The role of dimensions of narrative engagement in narrative persuasion
  23. Adapting Health Communication to Cultural Needs
  24. Rhetoric in advertising: Attitudes towards verbo-pictorial rhetorical figures
  25. 1. Optimizing health communication in South Africa: An introduction
  26. 7. Cultural differences in the perceptions of fear and efficacy in South Africa
  27. Cultural Differences in the Persuasiveness of Evidence Types and Evidence Quality
  28. The Impact of Exemplars on Responsibility Stereotypes in Fund-Raising Letters
  29. Is it Necessary to Adapt Advertising Appeals for National Audiences in Western Europe?
  30. Fund-Raising Stereotypes Measure
  31. Impliciet, implicieter, implicietst: Het effect van de mate van implicietheid op de waardering voor tijdschriftadvertenties / The more implicit, the better? The effect of implicitness on the appreciation of magazine advertisements.
  32. Rhetoric in advertising: attitudes towards schemes and tropes in text and image
  33. The influence of exemplars in fear appeals on the perception of self-efficacy and message acceptance
  34. Levels of implicitness in magazine advertisements
  35. Art for Art's Sake?: An Exploratory Study of the Possibility to Align Works of Art With an Organization's Identity
  36. Puns, relevance and appreciation in advertisements
  37. Research watch: Message framing, moods, and emotions
  38. Advertising and the new media: Research watch
  39. International Advertising in Western Europe: Should Differences in Uncertainty Avoidance be Considered when Advertising in Belgium, France, The Netherlands and Spain?
  40. Remarkable or Modest? The Role Played by Culture in Advertising
  41. Means of persuasion: Analogies, rhetorical figures, and stories
  42. Conducting experiments on cultural aspects of document design: Why and how?
  43. Document Design Research Watch
  44. The Concept of Argument Quality in the Elaboration Likelihood Model
  45. Culture and choice of arguments
  46. Research on web advertising
  47. De Relatieve Overtuigingskracht van Waarde-appèls in Nederlandse en Spaanse Advertenties
  48. 8. Convincing citizens
  49. Suspense, curiosity, and surprise: How discourse structure influences the affective and cognitive processing of a story
  50. The influence of advertising on buying and experiencing products
  51. The use of visual and verbal rhetorical figures in advertising
  52. Editorial
  53. Intercultural communication
  54. The Influence of Negative Newspaper Publicity on Corporate Image in the Netherlands
  55. The role of interest and text structure in professional reading
  56. “May I have your attention?”;: Exordial techniques in informative oral presentations
  57. Problem-solution Structures in Persuasive Texts: Effects on Attention, Comprehension, and Yielding
  58. Can Corrections Repair the Damage to a Corporate Image Caused by Negative Publicity?
  59. Facts or Feelings: The Persuasive Efffects of the Conceptual and Afffective Meaning of Adjectives im Coherent Texts