All Stories

  1. Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics
  2. Radiks entomolaris teşhisi için intraoral periapikal radyografiler eşliğindeki tanısal yaklaşımlar
  3. DNA analysis in identifying mass disaster victims
  4. İkinci mandibular molar dişlerde radiküler dens invajinatusu
  5. Age determination by schour and massler method: A forensic study
  6. Mahkemelerde suçlulara ceza hükmedilmesinde delil olarak insan ısırık izlerinin kullanımının tartılışılması
  7. Bilateral kulak lobu dikey kırışıklıkları ile koroner arter hastalıklarının ortaya çıkışı arasındaki pozitif ilişki
  8. Topikal kortikosteroid ile oral likenoid lezyonun yönetimi
  9. Curcumin in chronic lymphocytic leukemia – A review
  10. Oil pulling for maintaining oral hygiene – A review
  11. A wake-up call to value, promote, and stop the extinction of review articles
  12. Aloe vera in the management of oral submucous fibrosis
  13. Assessment of ethical aspects of cryonics: An emerging technology
  14. National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test should not be considered as sole criteria for gaining entry into medical education in India
  15. New definition proposed for oral leukoplakia
  16. Tanshinones in management of oral submucous fibrosis and oral squamous cell carcinoma
  17. Teeth as a Source of DNA to identify mass disaster victims
  18. Tek doz intralezyonal polidocanol enjeksiyonu şeklinde basit ve etkili bir yöntem ile oral vasküler lezyonların yönetimi
  19. India’s NEET exam poses problems in its current form
  20. Journal impact factor
  21. Misleading association
  22. Benefits of training India’s quacks
  23. Significance of Dental Records in Personal Identification in Forensic Sciences
  24. Experiences of wearing hearing aids for past 15 years
  25. Glandular odontogenic cyst associated with ameloblastoma occupying maxillary sinus: A rare case report
  26. A simple and affordable method to view conventional intraoral periapical radiograph when X-ray viewer is unavailable
  27. Applications of Aromatherapy in managing dental anxiety
  28. Graphene based sensors in the detection of glucose in saliva – a promising emerging modality to diagnose diabetes mellitus
  29. Positive association between hepatitis C virus infection and cancer would prove lethal to counter
  30. Salivary glucose estimation in Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
  31. Triphala can be used as an antimicrobial in oral cavity
  32. Applications of snake venoms in treatment of cancer
  33. Rhinosinusitis In Oral Medicine And Dentistry
  34. Pharmaceuticals: Tetracyclines and periodontal disease
  35. Medical management of oral submucous fibrosis
  36. Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
  37. Oral malignant melanoma: A rare malignancy
  38. Importance of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of massetric abscess
  39. The need of an hour for saliva diagnostic research in detection of Ebola viral disease
  40. Microlux and in vivo confocal microscopy in the diagnosis of potentially malignant and malignant lesions of the oral cavity
  41. Understanding cancer stem cells in head and neck cancer: An insight from oral medicine point of view
  42. Oral manifestations in liver transplant recipients
  43. Importance of prevention of noise production in Dental College
  44. Importance of imparting adequate training to general dentists regarding oral cancer
  45. Lasers in the management of chemoradiotherapy-induced oral mucositis
  46. Eldiven Giyilmesi Çapraz Enfeksiyonun Kontrolü için Zorunludur
  47. Antrochoanal Polyp
  48. Association of tobacco and betel nut chewing and cardiovascular disease
  49. Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia- A case report
  50. Importance of acupuncture in controlling gag reflex and anxiety in general dental practice
  51. Improving medical education through changes in curriculum of secondary school and medical education
  52. Need for Organizational Support for Faculty With Hearing Loss
  53. Preventing the possible misuse of higher academic positions in availing undeserved authorship in publications
  54. Stem Cells in Management of Xerostomia
  55. Probiotikler ve Diş Hekimliğinde Kullanımı
  56. Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma: A Case Report
  57. Diyabetli Hastalarda Tükrük Glukoz Seviyelerinin Serum Glukoz Seviyesi ve Glisemik Durum ile İlişkisi
  58. Cafe au lait spot: Case report
  59. Propolis in dentistry and oral cancer management
  60. Use of Lasers in the Management of Temporomandibular Disorders