All Stories

  1. Dose-dependent positive-to-negative shift of litter effects on seedling growth: a modelling study on 35 plant litter types
  2. Detecting the drivers of functional diversity in a local lichen flora: a case study on the extinct volcano of Roccamonfina (southern Italy)
  3. Temperature and storage time strongly affect the germination success of perennial Euphorbia species in Mediterranean regions
  4. Repeated Stand-Replacing Crown Fires Affect Seed Morphology and Germination in Aleppo pine
  5. The lichens of Roccamonfina volcano (southern Italy)
  6. Different effects of rain and artificial watering on element zonation patterns in lichen thalli and bark: A study onPhyscia biziana(Massal.) Zahlbr. v.leptophyllaVe˘zda
  7. Plants harm themselves with their own DNA
  8. Refining the range of an importance index
  9. Integrating importance and intensity: a novel approach to normalize measurement of neighbour effects
  10. Plant colonization of brownfield soil and post-washing sludge: effect of organic amendment and environmental conditions
  11. Assessment of daily heat pulse regimes on the germination of sixAmaranthusspecies
  12. Litter quality assessed by solid state 13C NMR spectroscopy predicts decay rate better than C/N and Lignin/N ratios
  13. Fairy rings caused by a killer fungus foster plant diversity in species-rich grassland
  14. Phytotoxicity, not nitrogen immobilization, explains plant litter inhibitory effects: evidence from solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy
  15. The Lichens of the Sorrento peninsula (Campania—Southern Italy)
  16. Retention of dead leaves by grasses as a defense against herbivores. A test on the palatable grassPaspalum dilatatum
  17. Comparison of the suitability of two lichen species and one higher plant for monitoring airborne heavy metals
  18. Size-uneven competition and resource availability: A factorial experiment on seedling establishment of three Mediterranean species
  19. Ecophysiology of five Mediterranean perennial grasses: II) Effects of shade on gas exchange
  20. Ecophysiology of five Mediterranean perennial grasses: I) Effects of shade, water stress and defoliation on growth and allocation
  21. Risposta di Semenzali di Quercus Ilex L. e Fraxinus Ornus L. All'Ombreggiamento e Al Taglio
  22. Attivita' Fotosintetica di Quattro Graminacee Perenni Dell'Area Mediterranea