All Stories

  1. Direct current stimulation modulates the excitability of the sensory and motor fibres in the human posterior tibial nerve, with a long-lasting effect on the H-reflex
  2. Evidence that some long-lasting effects of direct current in the rat spinal cord are activity-independent
  3. On the distribution of information from muscle spindles in the spinal cord; how much does it depend on random factors?
  4. Presynaptic and postsynaptic effects of local cathodal DC polarization within the spinal cord in anaesthetized animal preparations
  5. Presynaptic actions of transcranial and local direct current stimulation in the red nucleus
  6. Facilitation of ipsilateral actions of corticospinal tract neurons on feline motoneurons by transcranial direct current stimulation
  7. Evidence for long-lasting subcortical facilitation by transcranial direct current stimulation in the cat
  8. Interactions between spinal interneurons and ventral spinocerebellar tract neurons
  9. Spinal Interneurons
  10. Spinal Reflexes
  11. Excitatory inputs to four types of spinocerebellar tract neurons in the cat and the rat thoraco-lumbar spinal cord
  12. Properties of axon terminals contacting intermediate zone excitatory and inhibitory premotor interneurons with monosynaptic input from group I and II muscle afferents
  13. Functional subdivision of feline spinal interneurons in reflex pathways from group Ib and II muscle afferents; an update
  14. Anders Lundberg (1920–2009)
  15. Ipsilateral actions from the feline red nucleus on hindlimb motoneurones
  16. Spinal interneuronal networks in the cat: Elementary components
  17. Differential modulation by monoamine membrane receptor agonists of reticulospinal input to lamina VIII feline spinal commissural interneurons
  18. The actions of monoamines and distribution of noradrenergic and serotoninergic contacts on different subpopulations of commissural interneurons in the cat spinal cord
  19. Networks of inhibitory and excitatory commissural interneurons mediating crossed reticulospinal actions
  20. Modulation of responses of feline ventral spinocerebellar tract neurons by monoamines
  21. Spinal interneuronal systems: identification, multifunctional character and reconfigurations in mammals
  22. Antispastic effects of l-dopa
  23. Effects of serotonin on dorsal horn dorsal spinocerebellar tract neurons
  24. Monoaminergic Inhibitory Control of Spinal Interneurons
  25. Interneuronal relay in spinal pathways from proprioceptors
  26. Contralaterally projecting lamina VIII interneurones in middle lumbar segments in the cat
  27. Chapter 24 A neuronal system of movement control via muscle spindle secondaries
  28. Target cells of rubrospinal tract fibres within the lumbar spinal cord
  29. Information processed by dorsal horn spinocerebellar tract neurones in the cat.
  30. Lamina VIII interneurones interposed in crossed reflex pathways in the cat.
  31. Further indications for enhancement of retrograde transneuronal transport of WGA-HRP by synaptic activity
  32. On re-excitation of feline motoneurones: its mechanism and consequences.
  33. On Neuronal Pathways of Presynaptic Depolarization of Group I Muscle Afferents
  34. Organization in the spinal cord — the anatomy and physiology of identified neurones
  35. Pattern of ‘non-reciprocal’ inhibition of motoneurones by impulses in group Ia muscle spindle afferents in the cat
  36. Oligosynaptic excitation of motoneurones by impulses in group Ia muscle spindle afferents in the cat
  37. Interneurones in the spinal cord
  38. Crossed and uncrossed synaptic actions on motoneurones of back muscles in the cat
  39. Crossed disynaptic inhibition of sacral motoneurones.
  40. Arborization of initial axon collaterals of spinocervical tract cells stained intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase
  41. Disynaptic inhibition of spinal motoneurones from the motor cortex in the monkey.
  42. Direct and indirect activation of nerve cells by electrical pulses applied extracellularly.
  43. Intracellular application of horseradish peroxidase and its light and electron microscopical appearance in spinocervical tract cells
  44. The Mode of Activation of Pyramidal Tract Cells by Intracortical Stimuli
  45. The mode of activation of pyramidal tract cells by intracortical stimuli.
  47. Antidromic Activation of Renshaw Cells and their Axonal Projections
  48. Procion Yellow Staining of Functionally Identified Interneurons in the Spinal Cord of the Cat
  49. Morphology of interneurones mediating Ia reciprocal inhibition of motoneurones in the spinal cord of the cat
  50. The rubrospinal tract. III. Effects on primary afferent terminals
  51. The rubrospinal tract. IV. Effects on interneurones
  52. Synaptic actions of single interneurones mediating reciprocal Ia inhibition of motoneurones
  53. An electrophysiological demonstration of the axonal projections of single spinal interneurones in the cat
  54. Neuronal pathway of the recurrent facilitation of motoneurones
  55. C 13: Function of Single Interneurones Established by their Monosynaptic Inhibitory Effects on Motoneurones
  56. Relative contribution from different nerves to recurrent depression of Ia IPSPs in motoneurones
  57. Recurrent inhibition of interneurones monosynaptically activated from group Ia afferents
  58. Recurrent inhibition from motor axon collaterals of transmission in the Ia inhibitory pathway to motoneurones
  59. Morphological Identification of Renshaw Cells
  60. Skeleto-fusimotor fibres in the rabbit
  61. Morphological identification of physiologically defined neurones in the cat spinal cord
  62. A comparison of peripheral and rubrospinal synaptic input to slow and fast twitch motor units of triceps surae
  63. post-synaptic excitation and inhibition from primary afferents in neurones of the spinocervical tract
  64. Recurrent inhibition of reflex transmission to motoneurones
  65. Distribution of Recurrent Inhibition of Ia IPSPs in Motoneurones
  66. Inhibition in Ia inhibitory pathway by impulses in recurrent motor axon collaterals
  67. Effects from the sensorimotor cortex on the spinal cord in cats with transected pyramids
  68. Convergence of excitatory and inhibitory action on interneurones in the lumbosacral cord
  69. Extrapyramidal activation of muscles from the sensori-motor cortex in cats
  70. Effects evoked from the rubrospinal tract in cats
  71. Postsynaptic inhibition evoked from primary afferents in spinal interneurones
  72. Reciprocal Innervation through Interneuronal Inhibition
  73. Postsynaptic inhibition in motoneurones evoked from the lower reticular formation