All Stories

  1. Zn(1,3-DAP)[B4O7]: a rare chiral zeolitic framework constructed of four-connected [B4O9] clusters with a single-stranded helical channel
  2. Two types of lanthanide selenidostannates(iv) first prepared under the same solvothermal conditions
  3. A series of lanthanoid selenidoantimonates(v): rare examples of lanthanoid selenidoantimonates based on dinuclear lanthanide complexes
  4. A series of new lanthanoid thioarsenates: insights into the influence of lanthanide contraction on the formation of new lanthanoid thioarsenates
  5. A series of new manganese thioarsenates(v) based on different unsaturated [Mn(amine)x]2+complexes
  6. Solvothermal syntheses of lanthanide thiogermanates displaying three new structural moieties
  7. Solvothermal syntheses and characterizations of three new holmium selenidostannates(iv): a rare example of adamantane-like [Sn4Se10]4−selenidostannate(iv) with lanthanide complexes
  8. [Ni(dap)3]4[As10Cu2S18]: a new thioarsenate containing the rare [As3CuS6] cluster with mixed-valence As2+/As3+ions
  9. A series of new 3-D boratopolyoxovanadates containing five types of [KxOy]n building units
  10. Two new 3-D boratopolyoxovanadate architectures based on the [V12B16O50(OH)8]12− cluster with different metal linkers