All Stories

  1. Idioms, proverbs and body part expressions onYiedie“wellbeing” in Akan
  2. The pragmatics of duabↄ ‘grievance imprecation’ taboo among the Akan
  3. The communicative role of silence in Akan
  4. The ethnopragmatics of Akan advice
  5. The language of Akan herbal drug sellers and advertisers
  6. Metaphors and Metonyms ofNsa, ‘the Hand’ in Akan
  7. Bodily state and metaphors relating to ho, ‘body’, in Akan
  8. Metaphors of Anger in Akan
  9. Akan metaphoric expressions based on yam ‘stomach’
  10. The ethno-pragmatics of “amannebɔ” in Akan
  11. Invective language in contemporary Ghanaian politics
  12. The socio-cultural concept of face in Akan communication