All Stories

  1. Synchronic and Diachronic Pragmatic Variability
  2. Pragmatic Competence in EIL
  3. 15. Developing pragmatic competence in a study abroad context
  4. Using corpus-linguistic methods to track longitudinal development: Routine apologies in the study abroad context
  5. Pragmatic development and stay abroad
  6. Norms and Variation in L2 Pragmatics
  7. Learner pragmatics at the discourse level: Staying “on topic” in a telecollaborative eTandem task
  8. 18. Offers in English
  9. Offers in Irish English
  10. The Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics
  11. Variational Pragmatics 1
  12. Pragmatics Broadly Viewed
  13. Book review
  14. Developing Pragmatic Competence Using EFL Textbooks: Focus on Requests
  15. The Sociolinguistics of Language Use in Ireland
  16. Constructing small talk in learner-native speaker voice-based telecollaboration: A focus on topic management and backchanneling
  17. Tag questions across Irish English and British English: A corpus analysis of form and function
  18. Explorations in regional variation: A variational pragmatic perspective
  19. “And your wedding is the twenty-second <.> of June is it?”
  20. Variational Pragmatics
  21. Pragmatics of Discourse
  22. Barron, Anne. 2012. Public Information Messages: A Contrastive Genre Analysis of State-Citizen Communication
  23. Public Information Messages
  24. Interlanguage pragmatics: From use to acquisition to second language pedagogy
  25. Variational pragmatics: Studying the impact of social factors on language use in interaction
  26. Variational Pragmatics
  27. Acquisitional pragmatics: Focus on foreign language learners
  28. “Ah no honestly we're okay:” Learning to upgrade in a study abroad context
  29. Understanding spam: A macro-textual analysis
  30. The Pragmatics of Irish English
  31. Variational pragmatics in the foreign language classroom
  32. Book Reviews
  33. Acquisition in Interlanguage Pragmatics
  34. Offering in Ireland and England
  35. Irish English: A focus on language in action
  36. 1. Discourse pragmatics: signposting a vast field
  37. Click Here to Shop Now!: A micro-linguistic analysis of medical spam mails