All Stories

  1. On the Dutch temporal adverbial goed en wel
  2. Minimizers in Azerbaijani from a comparative perspective
  3. Positive polarity predicates
  4. Not that I know of: A polarity-sensitive construction
  5. Commentaar op Directionele PP’s als predicaten (of niet)
  6. Reactie op Joost Zwarts
  7. De plaats van het voorzetselvoorwerp
  8. The Middle Dutch negative clitic: Status, position and disappearance
  9. Book review
  10. Processing polarity: ERP evidence for differences between positive and negative polarity
  11. Immediate-future readings of universal quantifier constructions
  12. Review of Lenz, Gooskens & Reker (2009): Low Saxon Dialects across Borders – Niedersächsische Dialekte über Grenzen hinweg
  13. Construction morphology (review)
  14. Diachronic changes in long-distance dependencies
  15. Discourse scalarity: The case of Dutch helemaal
  16. Het WNT: een Waarlijk Nuttige Tool?
  17. Looking at Middle English through the mirror of Anglo-Norman
  18. Variation in long-distance dependencies
  19. Dutch ENIG: from nonveridicality to downward entailment
  20. De negentiende en de twintigste eeuw bij Van der Horst
  21. Feature percolation in the Dutch possessive
  22. The grammatical versatility of taboo terms
  23. Chapter 2. Jespersen recycled
  24. There is no number effect in the licensing of negative polarity items: a reply to Guerzoni and Sharvit
  25. Just for the hell of it: A comparison of two taboo-term constructions
  26. The emergence of particle clusters in Dutch: Grammaticalization under adverse conditions
  27. Parasitic licensing of negative polarity items
  28. Focus Particles Inside Prepositional Phrases: A Comparison of Dutch, English, and German
  29. Pseudogapping: its syntactic analysis and cumulative effects on its acceptability
  30. Polarity-sensitive scalar particles in early modern and present-day Dutch
  31. Perspectives on Negation and Polarity Items
  32. Scalarity and polarity
  33. Rapid change among expletive polarity items
  34. Josef Bayer,Directionality and Logical Form. On the scope of focussing particles and wh-in-situ (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory). Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995. Pp. xv + 328.
  35. On the (non)loss of polarity sensitivity
  36. Negation and Negative Concord in Middle Dutch
  37. Review of Progovac (1994): Negative and Positive Polarity: A Binding Approach
  38. Review of von Bergen & von Bergen (1993): Negative Polarität im Englischen
  39. Partitives
  40. Suppression of a word-order pattern in Westgermanic
  41. Complex predicates and liberation in Dutch and English
  42. Review of Chierchia (1984): Topics in the Syntax and Semantics of Infinitives and Gerunds
  43. Some Remarks on Focus Adverbs
  44. A condition on circular chains: a restatement of i-within-i
  45. The V2 Conspiracy
  46. The Representation of (In)Definiteness
  48. Implications of Process-Morphology for Categorial Grammar
  49. Categorial Grammar and the Logical Form of Quantification
  50. Syntax und Semantik der Negation im Deutschen
  51. Order, concord and consituency
  52. Negative polarity and the comparative
  53. Polarity items in Strawsonian contexts – A comparison