All Stories

  1. Missionary and Subsequent Traditions in Africa
  2. Contributions of Cunha Rivara (1809–1879) to the Development of Konkani
  3. First grammatical encoding of Japanese Politeness (17th century)
  4. Syntax in the earliest Latin-Portuguese grammatical treatises
  5. Sources of the Notabilia (1427), a medieval handwritten grammatical treatise from the Portuguese monastery of Alcobaça
  6. First codification of Vietnamese by 17th-century missionaries: the description of tones and the influence of Portuguese on Vietnamese orthography
  7. The first description of Malayalam words (India) at the end of 15th century
  8. History of Linguistics 2014: Selected papers from ICHoLS XIII
  9. First descriptions of African languages in Portuguese
  10. Review of the book "Uma língua africana no Brasil colônia de Seiscentos"
  11. A Arte para en breve saber Latin (Salamanca 1595) de Francisco Sánchez de las Brozas e a Arte de Grammatica, pera em breve saber Latim (Lisboa 1610) de Pedro Sánchez
  12. Review of the book "Portuguese Missionary Grammars in Asia, Africa and Brazil, 1550–1800"
  13. The Politeness Principle in European Portuguese
  14. Das conjunções expletivas do grego e do latim às partículas discursivas do Português