All Stories

  1. Loss of reproductive output caused by an invasive species
  2. The effect of bottom roughness on scalar transport in aquatic ecosystems: Implications for reproduction and recruitment in the benthos
  3. Adding ecology to particle capture models: Numerical simulations of capture on a moving cylinder in crossflow
  4. Pollen Aggregation in Relation to Pollination Vector
  5. Near-inertial wave driven dissolved oxygen transfer through the thermocline of a large lake
  7. Hydrodynamic habitat influences suspension feeding by unionid mussels in freshwater ecosystems
  8. Responses of newly settled juvenile mussels to bed shear stress: implications for dispersal
  9. Effects of near-bed turbulence on the suspension and settlement of freshwater dreissenid mussel larvae
  10. Role of Fluid Dynamics in Dreissenid Mussel Biology
  11. Factors affecting the development and dynamics of hypoxia in a large shallow stratified lake: Hourly to seasonal patterns
  12. Mass transport in aquatic environments
  13. Physical processes and water quality in natural waters
  14. Biological and ecological mechanisms for overcoming sperm limitation in invasive dreissenid mussels
  15. Achieving campus sustainability: top‐down, bottom‐up, or neither?
  16. Settling velocities of juvenile Lampsilini mussels (Mollusca:Unionidae): the influence of behavior
  17. Host fish quality may explain the status of endangered Epioblasma torulosa rangiana and Lampsilis fasciola (Bivalvia∶Unionidae) in Canada
  18. Dispersal limitation of unionid mussels and implications for their conservation
  19. Movement of logperch—the obligate host fish for endangered snuffbox mussels: implications for mussel dispersal
  20. The effect of natural dissolved organic carbon on the acute toxicity of copper to larval freshwater mussels (glochidia)
  21. Dispersion of freshwater mussel larvae in a lowland river
  23. Diffusive boundary layers do not limit the photosynthesis of the aquatic macrophyte, Vallisneria americana, at moderate flows and saturating light levels
  24. Secondary invasion of the round goby into high diversity Great Lakes tributaries and species at risk hotspots: potential new concerns for endangered freshwater species
  25. Sensitivity of the glochidia (larvae) of freshwater mussels to copper: Assessing the effect of water hardness and dissolved organic carbon on the sensitivity of endangered species
  26. Genetic and environmental implications of reintroducing laboratory-raised unionid mussels to the wild
  27. The effect of riparian condition on invertebrate drift in mountain streams
  28. Lake Brienz Project: An interdisciplinary catchment-to-lake study
  29. On the determination of mass transfer in a concentration boundary layer
  30. Environmental implications of stratification and turbulent mixing in a shallow lake basin
  31. The effect of hydrodynamics on the mass transfer of dissolved inorganic carbon to the freshwater macrophyte Vallisneria americana
  32. Juvenile–adult associations in sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and S. droebachiensis): protection from predation and hydrodynamics in S. franciscanus
  33. A secondary chemical cue facilitates juvenile-adult postsettlement associations in red sea urchins
  34. Near-bed hydrodynamic measurements above boulders in shallow torrential streams: Implications for stream biota
  35. The effect of velocity on the suspension feeding and growth of the marine mussels Mytilus trossulus and M. californianus: implications for niche separation
  36. Juvenile-adult associations in sea urchins Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and S. droebachiensis: Is nutrition involved?
  37. Observations of particle capture on a cylindrical collector: Implications for particle accumulation and removal in aquatic systems
  38. Measurement of local bed shear stress in streams using a Preston-static tube
  39. Benthic-Pelagic coupling over a zebra mussel reef in western Lake Erie
  40. Passive Diffusion in Ecosystems
  41. Abiotic pollen and pollination: ecological, functional, and evolutionary perspectives
  43. How stiff is a French fry? – Teaching biomechanics to biology students
  44. Effect of velocity on the filter feeding of dreissenid mussels ( Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena bugensis ): implications for trophic dynamics
  45. Effect of velocity on the filter feeding of dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena bugensis): implications for trophic dynamics
  46. Marine Bivalves and Their Ecosystems
  47. Marine Bivalves and Their Ecosystems
  48. Submarine Pollination in the Marine Angiosperm Zostera marina (Zosteraceae). II. Pollen Transport in Flow Fields and Capture by Stigmas
  49. Submarine Pollination in the Marine Angiosperm Zostera marina (Zosteraceae). I. The Influence of Floral Morphology on Fluid Flow
  50. Attachment Strength of Zebra Mussels on Natural, Polymeric, and Metallic Materials
  51. Convergence of filiform pollen morphologies in seagrasses: Functional mechanisms
  52. A wall jet to measure the attachment strength of zebra mussels
  53. A review of the early life history of zebra mussels ( Dreissena polymorpha ): comparisons with marine bivalves
  54. Preston-Static Tubes for the Measurement of Wall Shear Stress
  55. Pollen germination and pollen tube growth in the marine angiosperm, Zostera marina L.
  56. Preliminary Observations on the Hydrodynamics of Filter Feeding in Zebra Mussels
  57. Investigation of Zebra Mussel Adhesion Strength Using Rotating Disks
  58. Mechanistic implications for pollination in the marine angiosperm Zostera marina
  59. Sexual Reproduction of Seagrasses: Pollination in the Marine Context
  60. Sexual Reproduction of Seagrasses: Pollination in the Marine Context
  61. Fluid Dynamics in Seagrass Ecology—from Molecules to Ecosystems