All Stories

  1. Mechanical and Fracture Mechanical Properties of Matrix-Reinforced Carbon Fiber Composites with Carbon Nanotubes
  2. Green and Rapid Hydrothermal Crystallization and Synthesis of Fully Conjugated Aromatic Compounds
  3. Grüne und rasche hydrothermale Kristallisation und Synthese vollständig konjugierter aromatischer Verbindungen
  4. Green and Rapid Hydrothermal Crystallization and Synthesis of Fully Conjugated Aromatic Compounds
  5. Grüne und rasche hydrothermale Kristallisation und Synthese vollständig konjugierter aromatischer Verbindungen
  6. Heißes Wasser ermöglicht Kristallinität in organischen Materialien
  7. Hot Water Generates Crystalline Organic Materials
  8. Exerting Additive-Assisted Morphological Control during Hydrothermal Polymerization
  9. Processing of Carbon Nanotubes and Carbon Nanofibers towards High Performance Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers
  10. Geomimetics and Extreme Biomimetics Inspired by Hydrothermal Systems—What Can We Learn from Nature for Materials Synthesis?
  11. Green and highly efficient synthesis of perylene and naphthalene bisimides in nothing but water
  12. Green one-pot synthesis and processing of polyimide–silica hybrid materials
  13. Green Synthesis of Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials: State of the Art and Future Perspectives
  14. Design Strategies in Hydrothermal Polymerization of Polyimides
  15. Shape-Anisotropic Polyimide Particles by Solid-State Polycondensation of Monomer Salt Single Crystals
  16. Creating geomimetic polymers
  17. Towards a general understanding of hydrothermal polymerization of polyimides
  18. From dense monomer salt crystals to CO2selective microporous polyimides via solid-state polymerization
  19. Geomimetics for green polymer synthesis: highly ordered polyimides via hydrothermal techniques
  20. Catalytic Control of the Vitrimer Glass Transition
  21. “Schizomorphic” Emulsion Copolymerization Particles
  22. High Ionic Strength Promotes the Formation of Spherical Copolymer Particles
  23. Polyethylenes bearing a terminal porphyrin group
  24. Mechanistic study of hydrothermal synthesis of aromatic polyimides