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  1. Rapid extraction of invertebrates from tropical forest litter using modified Winkler apparatus
  2. Seasonal and age-related changes in the stable isotope composition (15N/14N and 13C/12C) of millipedes and collembolans in a temperate forest soil
  3. Trophic chains in the soil
  4. High Niche Overlap in the Stable Isotope Space Of Ground Beetles
  5. Spatial variations in the trophic structure of soil animal communities in boreal forests of Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve
  6. Isotopic niche (δ13 С and δ15 N values) of soil macrofauna in temperate forests
  7. A Discovery of a cave lion (Panthera spelaea Goldfuss, 1810) skeleton in Russia
  8. Trophic diversification in the evolution of predatory marine gastropods of the family Terebridae as inferred from stable isotope data
  9. Large 13C/12C and small 15N/14N isotope fractionation in an experimental detrital foodweb (litter–fungi–collembolans)
  10. Soil–litter nitrogen transfer and changes in δ13C and δ15N values in decomposing leaf litter during laboratory incubation
  11. The Neanderthals of Okladnikov Cave Altai: Environment and Diet Based on Isotopic Analysis*
  12. The diets of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on the shelf and oceanic feeding grounds in the western North Pacific inferred from stable isotope analysis
  13. Structure of mandibles in relation to trophic niche differentiation in a tropical millipede community
  14. The importance of mycelial connection at the soil–litter interface for nutrient translocation, enzyme activity and litter decomposition
  15. Trophic niche differentiation in millipede communities of forests of the temperate and tropical belts
  16. Isotopic signature (15N/14N and 13C/12C) confirms similarity of trophic niches of millipedes (Myriapoda, diplopoda) in a temperate deciduous forest
  17. Effects of seasonal and diurnal temperature fluctuations on population dynamics of two epigeic earthworm species in forest soil
  18. Trophic fractionation (Δ15N) in Collembola depends on nutritional status: A laboratory experiment and mini-review
  19. Stable isotope (13 C/12 C and 15 N/14 N) composition of the woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis horn suggests seasonal changes in the diet
  20. Isotopic fractionation by saprotrophic microfungi: Effects of species, temperature and the age of colonies
  21. Particle size alters litter diversity effects on decomposition
  22. Influence of Lumbricus terrestris earthworms on the structure of the yeast community of forest litter
  23. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in soil ecological studies
  24. Long-term effects of seasonal and diurnal temperature fluctuations on carbon dioxide efflux from a forest soil
  25. Invasion Patterns of Lumbricidae Into the Previously Earthworm-free Areas of Northeastern Europe and the Western Great Lakes Region of North America
  26. Biodiversity and Litter Decomposition in Terrestrial Ecosystems
  27. Carbon stable isotope fractionation and trophic transfer of fatty acids in fungal based soil food chains
  28. Facilitative interactions rather than resource partitioning drive diversity-functioning relationships in laboratory fungal communities
  29. Arbuscular mycorrhiza and Collembola interact in affecting community composition of saprotrophic microfungi
  30. Carbon availability controls the growth of detritivores (Lumbricidae) and their effect on nitrogen mineralization
  31. The microfungal community of Lumbricus terrestris middens in a linden (Tilia cordata) forest
  32. Effects of the presence and community composition of earthworms on microbial community functioning
  33. Fungal and bacterial communities in Lumbricus terrestris burrow walls: a laboratory experiment
  34. Microflora, Protozoa and Nematoda in Lumbricus terrestris burrow walls: a laboratory experiment
  35. Microfungal communities in soil, litter and casts of Lumbricus terrestris L. (Lumbricidae): a laboratory experiment
  36. Microbial biomass, biovolume and respiration in Lumbricus terrestris L. cast material of different age
  37. Microbial respiration, biomass, biovolume and nutrient status in burrow walls of Lumbricus terrestris L. (Lumbricidae)
  38. Invasion patterns of Lumbricidae into the previously earthworm-free areas of northeastern Europe and the western Great Lakes region of North America