All Stories

  1. Hepato-protective potential of Choline and DHA supplements in rats exposed to tobacco particulate matter-A histological study
  2. Supraorbital foramen and supraorbital notch morphometry- An assured aid to target the supraorbital nerve
  3. Neuroprotective effect by naringin against fluorosis-induced neurodegeneration in adult Wistar rats
  4. Incidence and factors associated with anemia among the geriatric population at a tertiary care hospital in southern India
  5. Morphometric analysis of the palatine triangle in adult human skulls: a potential aid for anthropologists and intraoral bone grafts
  6. Clinically important left superior polar artery giving rise to a left inferior suprarenal artery and an aberrant left inferior polar artery: a case report
  7. Bilateral variation in the branching pattern of the subclavian artery: an unusual finding with clinical implications
  8. Bacterial Contamination of the Wristwatches Among Clinical and Preclinical Undergraduate Medical Students
  9. Study on effect of Sorafenib: With Special Reference to Alterations in Histopathological Parameters in Male Swiss Albino Mice
  10. Evaluation of blood Pressure changes on exposure to sound frequencies in the youths of different ethnicity
  11. Morphometric Evaluation of Mental Foramen of Dry Adult Human Mandibles of South Indian Population and Their Clinical Correlation
  12. Association of type and duration of exercise with the mental and physical health and academic performance of Medical undergraduate students- Cross-sectional study
  13. A Rare Case of Adult Solid Thymic Gland with Predominant Soft Tissue Accentuation: A Morpho - Histological Report
  14. Morphometric analysis of patella and patellar ligament: a cadaveric study to aid patellar tendon grafts
  15. Postprandial Somnolence and its awareness among the Medical Undergraduate Students: A crosssectional study
  16. Hepatoprotective effect of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in CCl4-induced liver cirrhosis
  17. Morphohistological analysis of the prevalence and distribution of atheroma in the abdominal aorta and its branches: a cadaveric study
  18. Morphometric Profile of Distal Biceps Tendon: A Cadaveric Approach
  19. Double-bellied superior rectus muscle
  20. A cadaveric study of variations of external iliac artery and its implication in trauma and radiology
  21. Unusual duplication and vulnerable intrapancreatic course of the left gastroepiploic artery: a rare anatomical variation
  22. Rare case of median nerve and brachial artery entrapment by an abnormal musculo-fascial tunnel in the arm: possible cause of neurovascular compression syndrome
  23. Unique variation of the left testicular artery passing through a vascular hiatus in renal vein
  24. Unusual branching pattern and termination of facial artery and its clinical implications for facial operations
  25. Acne and One‘s Self Confidence: Cross-sectional study on Malaysian Student population
  26. Lingual Nerve Entrapment in Fused Submandibular and Sublingual Salivary Glands: A Unique Finding
  27. Haemostatic potential of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in Wistar rats with carbon tetrachloride induced liver cirrhosis
  28. Multiple Loops of External and Internal Carotid Arteries Vulnerable in Surgical and Radiological Procedures
  29. A rare case of atypical thoracodorsal artery: a challenge for flap reconstruction
  30. Determination of Spearman Correlation Coefficient(r)to Evaluate the Linear Association of Dermal Collagen and Elastic Fibers in the Perspectives of Skin Injury
  31. Histological Evaluation of the Effect of Tamra Bhasma (Copper Based Metallic) and Jasada Bhasma (Zinc Based Mineral) Formulations on Testis of Wistar Albino Rats
  32. Pathological and Biochemical Evaluation of Toxic Effects of Repeated Administration of Jasada Bhasma (Zinc Ash Formulation) in Wistar Albino Rats
  33. Solitary osteochondroma in the body of the pubic bone: a cadaveric case report
  35. Erratum to “Descendens vagohypoglossi: rare variant of the superior root of ansa cervicalis” [Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 55 (2017) 834–5]
  36. Descendens vagohypoglossi: rare variant of the superior root of ansa cervicalis
  37. Effect of light exposure during sleep on the curricular and extracurricular activities of medical students
  38. Terminal bifurcation and unusual communication of left testicular vein with the left suprarenal vein
  39. Evaluation of cardiovascular disease in patients with systemic arterial hypertension in relation to age and sex: a retrospective study in a south Indian population
  40. An unusual case of duplicated popliteal vein and its effect on the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis
  41. Accessory Grooves on the Diaphragmatic Surface of the Liver: A Cadaveric Study
  42. Bifurcated great saphenous vein: A report on its therapeutic and diagnostic perspectives
  43. Evaluation of knowledge and awareness about the ebola virus disease among the medical undergraduate students: A cross-sectional study
  44. Morphometric and Histological Study of Osteophytes in Human Cadaveric Lumbar Vertebrae
  45. Morphometric evaluation of human tendocalcaneus: a cadaveric study of south indian male population
  46. The Impact of Eating and Exercise Frequency on Weight Gain - A Cross- Sectional Study on Medical Undergraduate Students
  47. The Ratio of Second to Fourth Digit Length (2D:4D) and Heart Disease
  48. Absence of the celiac trunk and trifurcation of the common hepatic artery: a case report
  49. Y-shaped axillary arch muscle: A case report
  50. Bulky accessory brachialis muscle with abnormal aponeurosis: A case report
  51. Histo-morphological study of a giant Meckel's diverticulum with gastric type of mucosa
  52. Evaluation of numerical and positional variations of the hepatic veins: A cadaveric study
  53. A South Indian Cadaveric Study About the Relationship of Hepatic Segment of Inferior Vena Cava with the Liver
  54. A unique case of bifid left testicular artery having its anomalous high origin from renal artery
  55. An eccentric anatomical variation of palmar vascular pattern: Report of surgical challenging vascular variation
  56. Anger Management among Medical Undergraduate Students and Its Impact on Their Mental Health and Curricular Activities
  57. Looped and Tortuous Ulnar Artery – An Erratic Unilateral Vascular Presentation in the Proximal Forearm
  58. Safety and Effectiveness of Total Thyroidectomy and Its Comparison with Subtotal Thyroidectomy and Other Thyroid Surgeries: A Systematic Review
  59. Student Project in Anatomy (SPA) – Making the First Year Medical Students Responsible and Creative
  60. Unusual and Unique Variant Branches of Lateral Cord of Brachial Plexus and its Clinical Implications- A Cadaveric Study
  61. Variant Superficial Branch of Radial Artery along with Supplementary Tendons on the Dorsum of the Hand and Their Surgical Implications
  62. Rare combined variation of left suprarenal vessels associated with retroaortic left renal vein
  63. Anatomical Study of the Ulnar Nerve Variations at High Humeral Level and Their Possible Clinical and Diagnostic Implications
  64. Variation in the branching pattern of celiac trunk: a case report
  65. Presence of communication between radial and ulnar nerve at high humeral level and its distribution to triceps brachii muscle
  66. Presence of an accessory spleen in the gastrosplenic ligament: Its histological observation and clinical consequences
  67. Unilateral accessory Sartorius muscle: A case report on its functional and clinical implications
  68. Atypical origin of cystic artery from superior mesenteric artery and untimely termination of common hepatic artery: Concurrent arterial variation in the supra-colic compartment
  69. Unilateral double great saphenous vein: A clinically significant case report
  71. Collagen and Elastic Fiber Content Correlation Analysis between Horizontal and Vertical Orientations of Skin Samples of Human Body
  72. Erratum to “Quantitative Fraction Evaluation of Dermal Collagen and Elastic Fibres in the Skin Samples Obtained in Two Orientations from the Trunk Region”
  73. Surgical Implications of Asymmetric Distribution of Dermal Collagen and Elastic Fibres in Two Orientations of Skin Samples from Extremities
  74. Lateral pouch appendix associated with retroperitoneal terminal part of the ileum: a potential diagnostic and surgical challenge
  75. Morphometric Parameters of the Human Adult Kidney: An Anatomical Study
  76. Case Report: Variant Origin of an Arterial Trunk from Axillary Artery Continuing as Profunda Brachii Artery- A Unique Arterial Variation in the Axilla and its Clinical Implications
  77. A Rare Variation in the Origin and Course of the Artery of Penis
  78. Absence of retromandibular vein associated with atypical formation of external jugular vein in the parotid region
  79. Atypical Arterial Supply to the Spleen by Polar Branches of Splenic Artery and Accessory Splenic Artery – A Case Report
  80. Double gallbladder completely enclosed in a cystogastric fold of peritoneum
  81. Eight prehilar branches of the right renal artery
  82. Mastoid emissary foramina: an anatomical morphological study with discussion on their evolutionary and clinical implications
  83. Origin of Medial and Lateral Pectoral Nerves from the Supraclavicular Part of Brachial Plexus and its Clinical Importance – A Case Report
  84. Presence of Arteriovenous Communication between Left Testicular Vessels and Its Clinical Significance
  85. Quantitative Fraction Evaluation of Dermal Collagen and Elastic Fibres in the Skin Samples Obtained in Two Orientations from the Trunk Region
  86. Unique Formation of Sciatic Nerve Below the Piriformis Muscle – A Case Report
  87. Triple falx cerebelli associated with two aberrant venous sinuses in the floor of
  88. Accessory liver lobe attached to the wall of the gallbladder: a cadaveric case report
  89. Multiple vascular variations at the vicinity of the left kidney
  90. Hypoplastic Anterior Tibial Artery Associated with Continuation of Fibular (Peroneal) Artery as Dorsalis Pedis Artery: A Case Report
  91. A Mini Accessory Liver Lobe in the Fissure for Ligamentum Teres and Its Clinical Significance: A Case Report
  92. An Anatomical Variation in the Formation of the Inferior Root of Ansa Cervicalis
  93. Evaluation of the Variant Anatomical Disposition of the Renal Hilar Structures in South Indian Adult Human Cadavers and Its Cinical Implications
  94. The Foramen Ovale Morphometry of Sphenoid Bone in South Indian Population
  95. Ovarian development in Wistar rat treated prenatally with single dose diisobutyl phthalate
  96. Looped External Iliac Artery: a Case Report
  97. Role of Dilute Alcohol in the Removal of Fine Wrinkles from Paraffin Sections, a Histo-Technical Study
  98. Hepatosplenic Trunk Associated with Tortuous Course of Right Hepatic Artery Forming Caterpillar Hump
  99. The Venous Chiasma Between the Basilic Vein and the Brachial Vein: A Case Report
  100. Costodorsalis ­ an Additional Slip of Pectoralis Major Muscle: a Case Report