All Stories

  1. Cooperation and deception through stigmergic interactions in human groups
  2. The impact of individual perceptual and cognitive factors on collective states in a data-driven fish school model
  3. Computational and robotic modeling reveal parsimonious combinations of interactions between individuals in schooling fish
  4. The Role of Colony Size on Tunnel Branching Morphogenesis in Ant Nests
  5. Embracing the Creativity of Stigmergy in Social Insects
  6. Residence times and boundary-following behavior in animals
  7. Swarming, schooling, milling: phase diagram of a data-driven fish school model
  8. Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems
  9. Vision-based macroscopic pedestrian models
  10. Human-friendly robot navigation in dynamic environments
  11. Do Ants Need to Estimate the Geometrical Properties of Trail Bifurcations to Find an Efficient Route? A Swarm Robotics Test Bed
  12. Collective motion in biological systems
  13. Deciphering Interactions in Moving Animal Groups
  14. Individual Rules for Trail Pattern Formation in Argentine Ants (Linepithema humile)
  15. Modeling Collective Animal Behavior with a Cognitive Perspective: A Methodological Framework
  16. Traffic Instabilities in Self-Organized Pedestrian Crowds
  17. Reconstructing Motion Capture Data for Human Crowd Study
  18. The Dynamics of Colony Organization in the Primitively Eusocial Wasp Polistes dominulus Christ
  19. The Walking Behaviour of Pedestrian Social Groups and Its Impact on Crowd Dynamics
  20. Analogies Between Social Interaction Models and Supply Chains
  21. Collective Information Processing and Pattern Formation in Swarms, Flocks, and Crowds
  22. Percolation in insect nest networks: Evidence for optimal wiring
  23. Path selection and foraging efficiency in Argentine ant transport networks
  24. The Embodiment of Cockroach Aggregation Behavior in a Group of Micro-robots
  25. Key Behavioural Factors in a Self-Organised Fish School Model
  26. Topological efficiency in three-dimensional gallery networks of termite nests
  27. Analyzing fish movement as a persistent turning walker
  28. The structure of gallery networks in the nests of termite Cubitermes spp. revealed by X-ray tomography
  29. Are ants sensitive to the geometry of tunnel bifurcation?
  30. Swarm Smarts
  31. The Topological Fortress of Termites
  32. The biological principles of swarm intelligence
  33. Alice in Pheromone Land: An Experimental Setup for the Study of Ant-like Robots
  34. The growth and form of tunnelling networks in ants
  35. The interplay between a self-organized process and an environmental template: corpse clustering under the influence of air currents in ants
  36. Path efficiency of ant foraging trails in an artificial network
  37. Self-organized digging activity in ant colonies
  38. Self-organized aggregation in cockroaches
  39. Aggregation Behaviour as a Source of Collective Decision in a Group of Cockroach-Like-Robots
  40. Nest excavation in ants: group size effects on the size and structure of tunneling networks
  41. How individual interactions control aggregation patterns in gregarious arthropods
  42. Discrete dragline attachment induces aggregation in spiderlings of a solitary species
  43. Modulation of individual behavior and collective decision-making during aggregation site selection by the ant Messor barbarus
  44. Modeling Ant Behavior Under a Variable Environment
  45. A model of animal movements in a bounded space
  46. Dispersion movements in ants: spatial structuring and density-dependent effects
  47. Emergent Polyethism as a Consequence of Increased Colony Size in Insect Societies
  48. Task Partitioning in a Ponerine Ant
  49. Self-Organized Networks of Galleries in the Ant Messor Sancta
  50. Ant algorithms and stigmergy
  51. Swarm Smarts
  52. Three-dimensional architectures grown by simple ‘stigmergic’ agents
  53. A Brief History of Stigmergy
  54. The mechanisms and rules of coordinated building in social insects
  55. Role and variability of response thresholds in the regulation of division of labor in insect societies
  56. Within‐Brood Competition and the Optimal Partitioning of Parental Investment
  57. The origin of nest complexity in social insects
  58. Dripping faucet with ants
  59. Phase-ordering kinetics of cemetery organization in ants
  60. The synchronization of recruitment-based activities in ants
  61. Routing in telecommunications networks with ant-like agents
  62. Self-organization in social insects
  63. Mathematical model of self-organizing hierarchies in animal societies
  64. Modelling the Collective Building of Complex Architectures in Social Insects with Lattice Swarms
  65. Phase diagram of a model of self-organizing hierarchies
  66. Self-organization of hierarchies in animal societies: the case of the primitively eusocial waspPolistes dominulusChrist
  67. Social Regulation of Foraging Activities in Polistes Dominulus Christ: a Systemic Approach To Behavioural Organization
  68. Cuticular hydrocarbons, social organization and ovarian development in a polistine wasp: Polistes dominulus christ
  69. Behavioural Profiles in Polistes Dominulus (Christ) Wasp Societies: a Quantitative Study
  70. From Local Growth to Global Optimization in Insect Built Networks