All Stories

  1. Feminist Thought in Adrian Howees Book: Chamberlain Revisited: A 25th Anniversary Retrospectivee
  2. Rumours and Realities of Marriage Practices in Contemporary Samin Society
  3. Women and Leadership in Islam: A Case Study in Indonesia
  4. Reinterpret Polygamy in Islam: A Case Study in Indonesia
  5. The Positive and Negative Social Capital
  6. Does Education Empower the Indonesian Women?
  7. The Death of Steve Irwin and Its Controversy
  8. The Media and Academic Representation of Princess Diana
  9. The Strengths and Weakness of Pluralism Theory
  10. The Changed and Unchanged Situation in the Representation of Women in Contemporary Cinema
  11. The Comparison of Power and Authority of Women in China and Minangkabau Societies