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  1. The effect of acute aerobic exercise on the consolidation of motor memories
  2. A Single Session of Aerobic Exercise Mediates Plasticity-Related Phosphorylation in both the Rat Motor Cortex and Hippocampus
  3. Activity in Functional Cortical Networks Temporally Associated with Postural Instability
  4. Cortical processing of irrelevant somatosensory information from the leg is altered by attention during early movement preparation
  5. Single session, high-intensity aerobic exercise fails to affect plasticity-related protein expression in the rat sensorimotor cortex
  6. Sensorimotor integration in healthy aging: Baseline differences and response to sensory training
  7. Suppression of somatosensory stimuli during motor planning may explain levels of balance and mobility after stroke
  8. The neurocognitive mechanisms underlying food cravings and snack food consumption. A combined continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) and EEG study
  9. Simultaneity and Temporal Order Judgments Are Coded Differently and Change With Age: An Event-Related Potential Study
  10. Symmetry of cortical planning for initiating stepping in sub-acute stroke
  11. Sensorimotor integration in chronic stroke: Baseline differences and response to sensory training
  12. Frontal alpha asymmetry and aerobic exercise: are changes due to cardiovascular demand or bilateral rhythmic movement?
  13. The Acute Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Control among People with Chronic Stroke
  14. The medium latency muscle response to a vestibular perturbation is increased after depression of the cerebellar vermis
  15. Human dorsomedial parieto-motor circuit specifies grasp during the planning of goal-directed hand actions
  16. A single aerobic exercise session accelerates movement execution but not central processing
  17. Effects of Moderate Exercise on Cortical Resilience: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study Targeting the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
  18. Gating at early cortical processing stages is associated with changes in behavioural performance on a sensory conflict task
  19. Aerobic exercise abolishes cTBS-induced suppression of motor cortical excitability
  20. The direction of the postural response to a vestibular perturbation is mediated by the cerebellar vermis
  21. Abnormal visual experience during development alters the early stages of visual-tactile integration
  22. Aerobic exercise enhances neural correlates of motor skill learning
  23. Total protein or high-abundance protein: Which offers the best loading control for Western blotting?
  24. Differential effects of continuous theta burst stimulation over left premotor cortex and right prefrontal cortex on modulating upper limb somatosensory input
  25. Interhemispheric inhibition of corticospinal projections to forearm muscles
  26. Bilateral primary motor cortex circuitry is modulated due to theta burst stimulation to left dorsal premotor cortex and bimanual training
  27. The time course for visual extinction after a ‘virtual’ lesion of right posterior parietal cortex
  28. Somatosensory input to non-primary motor areas is enhanced during preparation of cued contraterlateral finger sequence movements
  29. Acute aerobic exercise enhances attentional modulation of somatosensory event-related potentials during a tactile discrimination task
  30. The Effects of Acute Aerobic Exercise on the Primary Motor Cortex
  31. Multiple sclerosis, cannabis, and cognition: A structural MRI study
  32. Task-relevancy effects on movement-related gating are modulated by continuous theta-burst stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and primary somatosensory cortex
  33. Modulatory effects of movement sequence preparation and covert spatial attention on early somatosensory input to non-primary motor areas
  34. The influence of an acute bout of aerobic exercise on cortical contributions to motor preparation and execution
  35. The Effects of Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation to the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex on Executive Function, Food Cravings, and Snack Food Consumption
  36. Acute exercise enhances the response to paired associative stimulation-induced plasticity in the primary motor cortex
  37. Frequency characteristics of cortical activity associated with perturbations to upright stability
  38. Selective modulation of left primary motor cortex excitability after continuous theta burst stimulation to right primary motor cortex and bimanual training
  39. Timing of response differentiation in human motor cortex during a speeded Go/No-Go task
  40. Aerobic exercise modulates intracortical inhibition and facilitation in a nonexercised upper limb muscle
  41. Localizing evoked cortical activity associated with balance reactions: does the anterior cingulate play a role?
  42. Attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli: A comparison between prefrontal lesion patients and healthy age-matched controls
  43. Effects of cannabis on cognition in patients with MS: A psychometric and MRI study
  44. Early modality-specific somatosensory cortical regions are modulated by attended visual stimuli: interaction of vision, touch and behavioral intent
  45. Modulation of left primary motor cortex excitability after bimanual training and intermittent theta burst stimulation to left dorsal premotor cortex
  46. The attentional‐relevance and temporal dynamics of visual‐tactile crossmodal interactions differentially influence early stages of somatosensory processing
  47. Functional neuroimaging of conversion disorder: The role of ancillary activation
  48. Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation of the Supplementary Motor Area: Effect Upon Perception and Somatosensory and Motor Evoked Potentials
  49. Corticomotor excitability changes seen in the resting forearm during contralateral rhythmical movement and force manipulations: A TMS study
  50. Crossmodal influences on early somatosensory processing: interaction of vision, touch, and task-relevance
  51. Human parietal and primary motor cortical interactions are selectively modulated during the transport and grip formation of goal-directed hand actions
  52. Transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques to study the somatosensory system
  53. Externally cued inphase bimanual training enhances preparatory premotor activity
  54. Contribution of primary motor cortex to compensatory balance reactions
  55. Age-related loss in attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing
  56. The cerebellum and its role in word generation: A cTBS study
  57. Transient inhibition of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts somatosensory modulation during standing balance as measured by electroencephalography
  58. Primary motor cortex excitability is modulated with bimanual training
  59. Erratum to: The impact of light fingertip touch on haptic cortical processing during a standing balance task
  60. Isolating a cerebellar contribution to rapid visual attention using transcranial magnetic stimulation
  61. Transient inhibition of primary motor cortex suppresses hand muscle responses during a reactive reach to grasp
  62. Transient inhibition of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing
  63. Inhibition of contralateral premotor cortex delays visually guided reaching movements in men but not in women
  64. The impact of light fingertip touch on haptic cortical processing during a standing balance task
  65. Non-dominant hand movement facilitates the frontal N30 somatosensory evoked potential
  66. Cortical and behavioral adaptations in response to short-term inphase versus antiphase bimanual movement training
  67. Erratum to: Sex-related differences in the hemispheric laterality of slow cortical potentials during the preparation of visually guided movements
  68. Sex-related differences in the hemispheric laterality of slow cortical potentials during the preparation of visually guided movements
  69. Challenging the brain: Exploring the link between effort and cortical activation
  70. Spatiotemporal properties modulate intermodal influences on early somatosenory processing during sensory-guided movement
  71. Novel vibrotactile discrimination task for investigating the neural correlates of short-term learning with fMRI
  72. Crossmodal influences in somatosensory cortex: Interaction of vision and touch
  73. Paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation of primary somatosensory cortex differentially modulates perception and sensorimotor transformations
  74. Electrodermal Recording and fMRI to Inform Sensorimotor Recovery in Stroke Patients
  75. Gait Asymmetry in Community-Ambulating Stroke Survivors
  76. The relationship between frontal somatosensory-evoked potentials and motor planning
  77. Task-relevance and temporal synchrony between tactile and visual stimuli modulates cortical activity and motor performance during sensory-guided movement
  78. Functional MRI of working memory and selective attention in vibrotactile frequency discrimination
  79. The effect of task-relevance on primary somatosensory cortex during continuous sensory-guided movement in the presence of bimodal competition
  80. Unexplained neurologic symptoms: An fMRI study of sensory conversion disorder
  81. Predictability of the target stimulus for sensory-guided movement modulates early somatosensory cortical potentials
  82. Cortical adaptations and motor performance improvements associated with short-term bimanual training
  83. Physiotherapy Coupled With Dextroamphetamine for Rehabilitation After Hemiparetic Stroke
  84. Assessing linear time-invariance in human primary somatosensory cortex with BOLD fMRI using vibrotactile stimuli
  85. Brain mechanisms for preparing increasingly complex sensory to motor transformations
  86. Optimizing the experimental design for ankle dorsiflexion fMRI
  87. Activation in SI and SII; the influence of vibrotactile amplitude during passive and task-relevant stimulation
  88. Cortical activation following a balance disturbance
  89. Tactile stimulus predictability modulates activity in a tactile-motor cortical network
  90. A Platform for Combining Virtual Reality Experiments with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  91. Modulation of afferent inflow during the control of balancing tasks using the lower limbs
  92. Somatosensory Gating and Recovery From Stroke Involving the Thalamus
  93. The time course of attention shifts following perturbation of upright stance
  94. Frontal–parietal event-related potential changes associated with practising a novel visuomotor task
  95. Adaptation in the motor cortex following cervical spinal cord injury
  96. Task-Relevant Modulation of Contralateral and Ipsilateral Primary Somatosensory Cortex and the Role of a Prefrontal-Cortical Sensory Gating System
  97. Quantifying Head Motion Associated with Motor Tasks Used in fMRI
  98. Cortical representation of whole-body movement is modulated by proprioceptive discharge in humans
  99. Bilateral movement enhances ipsilesional cortical activity in acute stroke: A pilot functional MRI study
  100. New devices to deliver somatosensory stimuli during functional MRI
  101. The afferent origin of the secondary somatosensory evoked potential from the lower limb in humans
  102. Task-relevant selective modulation of somatosensory afferent paths from the lower limb
  103. Upper limb H reflexes and somatosensory evoked potentials modulated by movement
  104. Cutaneous reflexes of the human leg during passive movement
  105. Generalisability of sensory gating during passive movement of the legs
  106. Movement-induced modulation of soleus H reflexes with altered length of biarticular muscles
  107. Crossed inhibition of the soleus H reflex during passive pedalling movement
  108. Modulation of H reflexes in human tibialis anterior muscle with passive movement
  109. Movement-induced gain modulation of somatosensory potentials and soleus H-reflexes evoked from the leg I. Kinaesthetic task demands
  110. Movement-induced gain modulation of somatosensory potentials and soleus H-reflexes evoked from the leg II. Correlation with rate of stretch of extensor muscles of the leg
  112. Phasic modulation of somatosensory potentials during passive movement
  113. H-reflex modulation during reverse passive pedalling
  114. Long-lasting conditioning of the human soleus H reflex following quadriceps tendon tap
  115. Long-lasting inhibition of the human soleus H reflex pathway after passive movement
  116. The relationship between the kinematics of passive movement, the stretch of extensor muscles of the leg and the change induced in the gain of the soleus H reflex in humans