All Stories

  1. Cognitive and personality predictors of school performance from preschool to secondary school: An overarching model.
  2. Making a Difference in and Beyond the Ivory Tower: Advance a Theory, Start a University, and Transform a Country’s Education
  3. Awareness Battery
  4. Reasoning Battery
  5. On the structure and development of executive functions in middle and late childhood: Remodeling and Commentary on Brydges, Fox, Reid, and Anderson
  6. Embedding cognizance in intellectual development
  7. Changing expressions of general intelligence in development: A 2-wave longitudinal study from 7 to 18years of age
  8. Intelligence in Cultural, Social and Educational Context
  9. Domain-general problem solving skills and education in the 21st century
  10. Relations between speed, working memory, and intelligence from preschool to adulthood: Structural equation modeling of 14 studies
  11. Inference, Reconceptualization, Insight, and Efficiency Along Intellectual Growth: A General Theory
  12. Growing a Theory of the Developing Mind – In and Around the Ivory Tower
  13. Developing intelligence: Is a comprehensive theory possible?
  14. Developmental intelligence: From empirical to hidden constructs
  15. Cycles in speed-working memory-G relations: Towards a developmental–differential theory of the mind
  16. Mind–culture interactions: How writing molds mental fluidity in early development
  17. Rejoinder in Defense of the Standard model of the Mind: From Whimsical to Systematic Science
  18. Educating the Developing Mind: Towards an Overarching Paradigm
  19. The Development of Mental Processing
  20. A Three-Level Model of the Developing Mind: Functional and Neuronal Substantiation and Educational Implications
  21. Reasoning and self-awareness from adolescence to middle age: Organization and development as a function of education
  22. Attachment style and mentoring relationships in adolescence
  23. Modelling the structure and development of g
  24. Peer Commentaries on Andreas Demetriou, Smaragda Kazi and Stelios Georgiou’s The emerging self: the convergence of mind, personality and thinking styles
  25. The effects of different modes of representation on the solution of one-step additive problems
  26. A roadmap for integrating the brain with mind maps
  27. Mental Processing From 6 to 12 Years of Age
  28. One-Step Change Problems of Additive Structures Battery
  29. Can we be intelligent about intelligence?
  30. The functional and developmental organization of cognitive developmental sequences
  31. Self-awareness in g (with processing efficiency and reasoning)
  32. Dissecting g
  33. The architecture, dynamics, and development of mental processing: Greek, Chinese, or Universal?
  34. Preface and acknowledgements
  35. Mind, intelligence and development: a cognitive, differential and developmental theory of intelligence
  36. Cognitive Developmental Change
  37. Introduction: the what, how and why of developmental change: the emergence of a new paradigm
  38. Types of cognitive change: a dynamical, connectionist account
  39. Human Intelligence: From Local Models to Universal Theory
  40. The missing link in the relations between intelligence and personality
  41. Self-Representation About Cognitive Abilities Measure
  42. III. Results: The Architecture Of The Mind
  43. II. The Study Methods
  44. Iv. Results: The Development Of Cognitive Functions
  45. Vii. Toward An Overarching Theory
  46. I. Introduction
  47. Abstract
  48. V. Results: Specifying Patterns Of Change By Growth Modeling
  49. Vi. Results: Specifying Patterns Of Change By Logistic Equations
  50. Where Does the Mind Come From?
  51. Modeling the Stroop phenomenon: processes, processing flow, and development
  52. Integrating concepts and tests of intelligence from the differential and developmental traditions
  53. From neural constructivism to cognitive constructivism: The steps to be taken
  54. Organization and Development of Self-Understanding and Self-Regulation
  55. The emerging self: the convergence of mind, personality and thinking styles
  56. Striving for the 'grand theory': response to the commentators
  57. Modeling the Developing Mind: From Structure to Change
  58. What, why, and whence logic? A response to the commentators
  59. Logical and psychological partitioning of mind
  60. Nooplasis: 10+1 postulates about the formation of mind
  61. The multiple faces of developmental change: Toward an integration of different traditions: Comments on “the nature(s) of developmental change: Piaget, Vygotsky, and the transition process” by David H. Feldman and R. Clarke Fowler
  62. Universals and Specificities in the Structure and Development of Quantitative-relational Thought: A Cross-cultural Study in Greece and India
  63. Universals and Specificities in the Structure and of Quantitative-relational Thought: A Cross-cultural Study in Greece and India
  64. Preface
  65. Intelligence, Mind, and Reasoning: Three Levels of Description
  66. Structure, Development, and Dynamics of Mind: A Meta-Piagetian Theory
  67. The structure and development of prepositional reasoning ability: Cognitive and metacognitive aspects
  68. In quest of the functional architecture of the developing mind: The Aristotelian project
  70. Structure and development of causal€xperimental thought: From early adolescence to youth.
  71. The Architecture and Dynamics of Developing Mind: Experiential Structuralism as a Frame for Unifying Cognitive Developmental Theories
  72. The development of quantitative-relational abilities from childhood to adolescence: Structure, scaling, and individual differences
  73. From Collectivism to Individualism? the Acculturation of Greek Immigrants in Australia
  74. Cross-Cultural Studies of Temperament: Temperament in Greek Infants
  75. Parental criticism and young adolescent self-disclosure: A cross-cultural study
  76. Preface
  77. Experiential Structuralism and Neo-Piagetian Theories Toward an Integrated Model
  78. Neo-Piagetian Theories and Educational Practice
  79. The Adolescent's Construction of Procedural Justice as a Function of Age, Formal Thought and Sex
  80. Structure and Sequence of Formal and Postformal Thought: General Patterns and Individual Differences
  81. Structure and Sequence of Formal and Postformal Thought: General Patterns and Individual Differences
  82. Portrait of professor andreas rett
  83. Formal Operational Thinking in Young Adults as a Function of Education and Sex
  84. The Structure of Formal Operations: The Ideal of the Whole and the Reality of the Parts