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  1. Automated tracking of wild hummingbird mass and energetics over multiple time scales using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology
  2. Sugar flux through the flight muscles of hovering vertebrate nectarivores: a review
  3. Myosin heavy-chain isoforms in the flight and leg muscles of hummingbirds and zebra finches
  4. Hummingbirds can fuel expensive hovering flight completely with either exogenous glucose or fructose
  5. Glucose Transporter Expression in an Avian Nectarivore: The Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)
  6. Very low force-generating ability and unusually high temperature dependency in hummingbird flight muscle fibers
  7. Oxidation of dietary sugar during hovering flight in small vertebrate nectarivores
  8. Hummingbirds Fuel Hovering Flight with Newly Ingested Sugar
  9. Digestive performance in neonatal Southern Pacific Rattlesnakes ( Crotalus oreganus helleri )
  10. The power of feeder-mask respirometry as a method for examining hummingbird energetics
  11. The sugar oxidation cascade: aerial refueling in hummingbirds and nectar bats
  12. Flight muscle enzymes and metabolic flux rates during hovering flight of the nectar bat, Glossophaga soricina: Further evidence of convergence with hummingbirds
  13. Fiber type homogeneity of the flight musculature in small birds
  14. Extremely Low Maximal Force-Generating Ability in Hummingbird Flight Muscle Fibers
  15. Stoking the Brightest Fires of Life Among Vertebrates
  16. Generation of muscle power during hovering flight in hummingbirds: A comparison of aerodynamic models with measurements of metabolic input and mechanical power output
  17. Altitude and temperature effects on the energetic cost of hover-feeding in migratory rufous hummingbirds, Selasphorus rufus
  18. Dietary sugar as a direct fuel for flight in the nectarivorous bat Glossophaga soricina
  19. 13.5. Dietary sugar fuels flight in nectarivorous bats
  20. Oxygen consumption rates in hovering hummingbirds reflect substrate-dependent differences in P/O ratios: carbohydrate as a `premium fuel'
  21. Oxidation rate and turnover of ingested sugar in hovering Anna's (Calypte anna) and rufous (Selasphorus rufus) hummingbirds
  22. Hummingbirds Fuel Hovering Flight with Newly Ingested Sugar
  23. Allometric scaling of flight energetics in Panamanian orchid bees: a comparative phylogenetic approach
  24. Energy metabolism in orchid bee flight muscles: carbohydrate fuels all
  25. A Comparison of Home Ranges of Two Species of Peromyscus Using Trapping and Radiotelemetry Data
  27. 763 The identification of a new murine eosinophil major basic protein (mMBP) gene: Cloning and characterization of mMBP-2