All Stories

  1. The airtightness and air leakage characteristics of new UK holiday homes
  2. Quantifying the performance of a passive deaerator in a gas-fired closed loop domestic wet central heating system
  3. Quantifying the aggregate thermal performance of UK holiday homes
  4. Bridging the domestic building fabric performance gap
  5. Adding value and meaning to coheating tests
  6. A Dictionary of Construction, Surveying and Civil Engineering
  7. Improving the airtightness of existing plasterboard-lined load-bearing masonry dwellings
  8. An exploration of the technical feasibility of achieving CO2 emission reductions in excess of 60% within the UK housing stock by the year 2050
  9. A novel approach to achieving airtightness in drylined load-bearing masonry dwellings
  10. Review of possible implications of an airtightness standard for new dwellings in the UK