All Stories

  1. Inter-Segmental Coordination Pattern in Patients with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency during a Single-Step Descent
  2. Quantifying foot placement variability and dynamic stability of movement to assess control mechanisms during forward and lateral running
  3. Quantifying coordination and coordination variability in backward versus forward running: Implications for control of motion
  4. A minimal limit-cycle model to profile movement patterns of individuals during agility drill performance: Effects of skill level
  5. Constraints on dynamic stability during forward, backward and lateral locomotion in skilled football players
  6. An alternative approach to describing agility in sports through establishment of a relationship between velocity and radius of curvature
  7. Effect of speed on local dynamic stability of locomotion under different task constraints in running
  8. Comparison between Brain Tissue Gray and White Matters in Tension Including Necking Phenomenon