All Stories

  1. Meeting Online or Offline? Patterns and Trends for Co-Resident Couples in Early 21st-Century Britain
  2. Living together in a sexually exclusive relationship: an enduring, pervasive ideal?
  3. Stated Reasons for Relationship Dissolution in Britain: Marriage and Cohabitation Compared
  4. Age at marriage and the risk of divorce in England and Wales
  5. Parental Characteristics, Family Structure and Occupational Attainment in Britain
  6. The Methodological Impact of Feminism: A Troubling Issue for Sociology?
  7. Couples' Places of Meeting in Late 20th Century Britain: Class, Continuity and Change
  8. Identity and Repartnering after Separation
  9. Is Social Mobility an Echo of Educational Mobility? Parents' Educations and Occupations and Their Children's Occupational Attainment
  10. Measuring inequality in a cross-tabulation with ordered categories: From the Gini coefficient to the Tog coefficient
  11. Repartnering: the relevance of parenthood and gender to cohabitation and remarriage among the formerly married
  12. Repartnering: the relevance of parenthood and gender to cohabitation and remarriage among the formerly married*
  13. Data Collection and Analysis
  14. Party Political Homogamy in Great Britain
  15. Might Britain be a Meritocracy? A Comment on Saunders
  16. Parents' Occupations and their Children's Occupational Attainment: A Contribution to the Debate on the Class Assignment of Families
  17. Comment on Blackburn, Jarman and Siltanen: Marginal Matching and the Gini Coefficient
  18. Availability of marriage partners in England and Wales: a comparison of three measures