All Stories

  1. Transparência fiscal explica a percepção da corrupção, mas Democracia importa!
  2. Individual resilience, pleasure, and suffering at work and organizational links: reflections and perspectives of research for the public sector
  3. Resiliência individual, prazer e sofrimento no trabalho e vínculos organizacionais: reflexões e perspectivas de pesquisas para o setor público
  4. Shackling the Leviathan: balancing state and society powers against corruption
  5. MAIP: model to identify actors’ influence and its effects on the complex environmental policy decision-making process
  6. Influências dos stakeholders e desempenho do governo local: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
  7. Stakeholder influence and local government performance: a systematic literature review
  8. Public management reform in Brazil (2002-2019)
  9. Strategic planning in higher education institutions: what are the stakeholders’ roles in the process?
  10. Can public procurement be strategic? A future agenda proposition
  11. Coalizões de advocacia e estratégias de negociação na revisão do Código Florestal
  12. Os papéis dos stakeholders na formulação do Pronatec
  13. Implementation of Brazil's energy policy through the national oil company: From institutional chaos to strategic order
  14. Measuring collaborative stakeholder influence and open budget actions
  15. Joined-up Government of utilities: a meta-review on a public–public partnership and inter-municipal cooperation in the water and wastewater industries
  16. A resource-based view of utilities: The key-determinant factors for customer prices and organizational costs in the Portuguese water industry
  17. Knowledge sharing relevance in social responsibility partnerships
  18. Institutionalization of the Reengineering of Strategic Management Processes in the Brazilian Public Management: A Case Study in Federal Government Organizations
  19. The Institutional Settings for the Development of Public Services through State-Owned Enterprises in Brazil
  20. Regulatory politics and client prices
  21. Is Small Beautiful? Testing the Direct and Nonlinear Effects of Size on Municipal Performance
  22. Administração pública no Brasil: reflexões sobre o campo de saber a partir da Divisão Acadêmica da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração (2009-2013)
  23. The cost of educational effectiveness: Evidence from financing basic education in Brazil
  24. Entre o ocaso do império e a afirmação da República no Brasil: mudança institucional gradual e transformativa
  25. Case Study of Brazil
  26. E-Government Practices in South American Countries: Echoing a Global Trend or Really Improving Governance? The Experiences of Colombia, Chile, and Brazil
  27. The Impact of Societal Culture on the Use of Performance Strategies in East Asia: Evidence from a comparative survey
  28. Public Executive Leadership in East and West: An Examination of HRM Factors in Eight Countries
  29. O orçamento público brasileiro e a perspectiva emancipatória: existem evidências empíricas que sustentam esta aproximação?
  30. Current state of public sector performance management in seven selected countries
  31. Chapter 4 Public Sector Management Trends in Brazil
  32. A Five-Sided Model Of Stakeholder Influence
  33. Cross-Cultural Analysis of Stakeholder Identification in Municipal Districts
  34. Depicting the arena in which Brazilian local government authorities make decisions
  35. Public Management in South America
  36. Who is supposed to be regarded as a stakeholder for public organizations in developing countries?
  37. Public administration in Brazil: structure, reforms, and participation
  38. Stakeholders’ Expectations on Health Services