All Stories

  1. Irving Gottesman
  2. Genetics of Intellectual and Personality Traits Associated with Creative Genius: Could Geniuses be Cosmobian Dragon Kings?
  3. Genes, Evolution and Intelligence
  4. The Wilson Effect: The Increase in Heritability of IQ With Age
  5. “Obedience to traditional authority:” A heritable factor underlying authoritarianism, conservatism and religiousness
  6. Heritability
  7. The dependability of the general factor of intelligence: Why small, single-factor models do not adequately represent g
  8. The MISTRA data: Forty-two mental ability tests in three batteries
  9. Experience-producing drive theory: Do cognitively-stimulating activities mediate the relationship between openness to experience and intelligence?
  10. Beyond Heritability
  11. Genetic influence on human intelligence (Spearman'sg): How much?
  12. Authoritarianism,Religiousness, and Conservatism: Is “Obedience to Authority” the Explanation for Their Clustering, Universality and Evolution?
  13. Fluctuating asymmetry and general intelligence: No genetic or phenotypic association
  14. Heritability of fluctuating asymmetry in a human twin sample: The effect of trait aggregation
  15. Genes and Human Psychological Traits
  16. Intelligence Tests
  17. Still just 1 g: Consistent results from five test batteries
  18. Sex differences in mental ability: A proposed means to link them to brain structure and function
  19. Religiousness, Antisocial Behavior, and Altruism: Genetic and Environmental Mediation
  20. Religiousness, Antisocial Behavior, and Altruism: Genetic and Environmental Mediation
  21. Integrating Personality, Vocational Interests, Work Beliefs, Social Attitudes, and Values
  22. Sex differences in mental abilities: g masks the dimensions on which they lie
  23. Replication of the hierarchical visual-perceptual-image rotation model in de Wolff and Buiten's (1963) battery of 46 tests of mental ability
  24. Identical Twins Reared Apart
  25. Darwinism, behavioral genetics, and organizational behavior: a review and agenda for future research
  26. Heritability of character strengths and existential traits
  27. Genetic and Environmental Influences on Religiousness: Findings for Retrospective and Current Religiousness Ratings
  28. On Our Minds: How Evolutionary Psychology is Reshaping the Nature‐versus‐Nurture Debate . By Eric M  Gander. Baltimore (Maryland): Johns Hopkins University Press . $45.00. xi + 293 p; ill.; index. ISBN: 0–8018–7387–8. 2003.
  29. Genetic Influence on Human Psychological Traits
  30. Marriage and Personality: A Genetic Analysis.
  31. Genetic Influence on Social Attitudes: Another Challenge to Psychology From Behavior Genetics.
  32. Just one g: consistent results from three test batteries
  33. The Stroop Color-Word Test: Genetic and environmental influences; Reading, mental ability, and personality correlates.
  34. Genetic and environmental influences on human psychological differences
  35. Normal and Abnormal Personality Traits: Evidence for Genetic and Environmental Relationships in the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart
  36. The Personalities of Twins: Just Ordinary Folks
  37. The Personalities of Twins: Just Ordinary Folks
  38. Description versus strong inference
  39. Authoritarianism revisited: genetic and environmental influences examined in twins reared apart and together
  40. Intrinsic and extrinsic religiousness: genetic and environmental influences and personality correlates
  41. PSYCHOLOGY:The Search for Intelligence
  42. The Definitive Case for g
  43. Intrinsic and extrinsic religiousness: genetic and environmental influences and personality correlates
  44. Periodontal Bacteria in Adult Twins
  45. Dysgenics: Genetic deterioration in modern populations
  46. A genetic and environmental analysis of the California Psychological Inventory using adult twins reared apart and together
  47. Genetic and environmental influences on self-reported diet: a reared-apart twin study
  48. Migraine in Twins Raised Together and Apart
  50. Individual differences in adult ego development: Sources of influence in twins reared apart.
  51. Intensive, detailed, exhaustive
  52. Whenever The Twain Shall Meet
  53. The Lives to Come: The Genetic Revolution and Human Possibilities. Philip Kitcher
  54. Similarity in general mental ability in Bedouin full and half siblings
  55. Heritability of MMPI personality indicators of psychopathology in twins reared apart.
  56. Genetic and environmental contributions to the acquisition of a motor skill
  57. Galton Lecture: Behaviour genetic studies of intelligence, yesterday and today: the long journey from plausibility to proof
  58. Intelligence: Knowns and unknowns.
  59. Twin Studies of Behavior
  60. Breaking the Last Taboo
  61. Genetic Influences on Perceptions of Childhood Family Environment: A Reared Apart Twin Study
  62. Comparative Grief experiences of bereaved twins and other bereaved relatives
  63. Longitudinal Studies of Personality and Intelligence
  64. Genetic influences on job satisfaction and work values
  65. Genetic and Environmental Influences on Vocational Interests Assessed Using Adoptive and Biological Families and Twins Reared Apart and Together
  66. Work Values Measure
  67. In search of human nature…
  68. Creativity, Heritability, Familiarity: Which Word Does Not Belong?
  69. Genes, culture and personality: An empirical approach
  70. Behavioral genetics of cognitive ability: A life-span perspective.
  71. Genetic and Environmental Influences on Adult Personality: Evaluating the Evidence
  72. Spearman's g: The Next Generation
  73. Work values: Genetic and environmental influences.
  74. Genetic influences on job satisfaction: A reply to Cropanzano and James.
  75. On genes, environment, and experience
  76. A Genetic and environmental analysis of the vocational interests of monozygotic and dizygotic twins reared apart
  77. Counseling Implications of Genetic Research: A Dialogue With Thomas Bouchard
  78. Heritability of substance abuse and antisocial behavior: A study of monozygotic twins reared apart
  79. Advanced mathematical reasoning ability: A behavioral genetic perspective
  80. Genetic and Rearing Environmental Influences on Adult Personality: An Analysis of Adopted Twins Reared Apart
  81. Job satisfaction: Environmental and genetic components.
  82. Genetics and personality: An analysis of adopted twins reared apart
  83. Early hormonal influences on cognitive functioning in congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
  84. Eye findings in twins reared apart
  85. Information processing abilities in twins reared apart
  86. Adjustment of twin data for the effects of age and sex
  87. Review of Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences.
  88. Identity and Intimacy in Twins.
  89. Twins Reared Together and Apart: What They Tell Us About Human Diversity
  90. Do environmental similarities explain the similarity in intelligence of identical twins reared apart?
  91. Twin Studies: What Can We Learn?
  92. Identical Twins Reared Apart: Reanalysis or Pseudo-analysis?
  93. The Intelligence Controversy
  94. Organizational Research: How, With What, When, Where, and Why
  95. Book notes
  96. Sex differences in human spatial ability: Not an X‐linked recessive gene effect
  97. Bye Bye Brainstorming: Hello NGT
  98. Discovery-Oriented Behavior and Problem Solving
  99. A comparison of individual, subgroup, and total group methods of problem solving.
  100. Brainstorming procedure, group size, and sex as determinants of the problem-solving effectiveness of groups and individuals.
  101. Found: Our Intelligence
  102. Studies in Machiavellianism. Edited by R. Christie and F. L. Geis. (New York: Academic Press, 1970. Pp. xii, 415. $12.50.)
  103. A comparison of two group brainstorming procedures.
  104. Training, motivation, and personality as determinants of the effectiveness of brainstorming groups and individuals.
  105. Whatever Happened to Brainstorming*
  106. Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here
  107. Causes of Psychopathology
  108. Size, performance, and potential in brainstorming groups.
  109. The Lost-Letter Technique: Predicting Elections
  110. Personality, problem-solving procedure, and performance in small groups.
  111. Review of Edwards Personality Inventory
  112. IQ similarity in twins reared apart: Findings and responses to critics