All Stories

  1. Territory, authority, expertise: Global governance and the counter-piracy assemblage
  2. Making Things Known: Epistemic Practices, the United Nations, and the Translation of Piracy
  3. International Practice Theory
  4. Die Formalisierung der Informalität: Praxistheoretische Überlegungen
  5. Narrative Praxiographie. Klandestine Praktiken und das ‚Grand Narrativ‘ Somalischer Piraterie
  6. From Expert Communities to Epistemic Arrangements: Situating Expertise in International Relations
  7. Practice, Pirates and Coast Guards: the grand narrative of Somali piracy
  8. Pathways to practice: praxiography and international politics
  9. Actor-Network Theory, Methodology, and International Organization
  10. Counter-Piracy, Communities of Practice and New Security Alignments
  11. Piracy studies: Academic responses to the return of an ancient menace
  12. Communities of Security Practice at Work? The Emerging African Maritime Security Regime
  13. The Global Fight against Piracy
  14. Orchestrating the Response: Somali Piracy and Ontological Complexity
  15. Actor-networking the ‘failed state’ — an enquiry into the life of concepts
  16. Theorien der Maritimen Sicherheit Versicherheitlichungstheorie und sicherheitspolitische Praxeographie
  17. Practical Reflexivity and Political Science: Strategies for Relating Scholarship and Political Practice
  18. Drops in the bucket? A review of onshore responses to Somali piracy
  19. From epistemology to practice: a sociology of science for international relations
  20. Pirates, Fishermen and Peacebuilding: Options for Counter-Piracy Strategy in Somalia
  21. The clash of practice: political controversy and the United Nations Peacebuilding commission
  22. Thinking Assemblages Methodologically
  23. Responses to contemporary piracy: disentangling the organizational field