All Stories

  1. Male and female travel reflect reproductive interests
  2. Functional Variation in Sensitivity to Cues that a Partner is Cheating with a Rival
  3. Mapping the Conceptual Space of Jealousy
  4. Maternal milk DHA content predicts cognitive performance in a sample of 28 nations
  5. Cognitive adaptations for gathering-related navigation in humans
  6. Sex Differences in the Relationship of Dietary Fatty Acids to Cognitive Measures in American Children
  7. Different Vocal Parameters Predict Perceptions of Dominance and Attractiveness
  8. Voice Correlates of Mating Success in Men: Examining “Contests” Versus “Mate Choice” Modes of Sexual Selection
  9. In Memoriam: Margo Ings Wilson
  10. Costs and benefits of fat-free muscle mass in men: relationship to mating success, dietary requirements, and native immunity
  11. Biophobia breeds unparsimonious exceptionalism
  12. Spatial adaptations for plant foraging: women excel and calories count
  13. Menarche is related to fat distribution
  14. Dominance and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in human voice pitch
  15. Changes in body fat distribution in relation to parity in American women: A covert form of maternal depletion
  16. Sex hormones and finger length
  17. Matrilateral biases in the investment of aunts and uncles
  18. High Paternity Certainties of Jewish Priests
  19. Matrilateral biases in the investment of aunts and uncles
  20. Superior spatial memory of women: Stronger evidence for the gathering hypothesis
  21. Mating Psychology Scales
  22. Effects of gender and sexual orientation on evolutionarily relevant aspects of human mating psychology.
  23. Testing Explanatory Models of Dowry: A Reply to Schlegel
  24. Whom are Mexican infants said to resemble? Monitoring and fostering paternal confidence in the Yucatan
  25. Reply
  26. Human marriage systems and sexual dimorphism in stature
  27. Spatial memory and adaptive specialization of the hippocampus
  28. Evolution of sex difference in spatial ability
  29. Dowry and Female Competition: A Reply to Dickemann
  30. Trivers‐Willard effect in contemporary North American society
  31. The Role of Cross-Species Studies in Cross-Cultural Research
  32. Dowry as Female Competition
  33. Effects of experience and motivation on symmetrical-maze performance in the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster).
  34. Sexual selection for spatial-learning ability
  35. Home-Range Size as a Predictor of Mating Systems in Microtus
  36. Comparability among measures of primate diets
  37. The use and abuse of sociobiology
  38. Sex Differences in Spatial Ability: An Evolutionary Hypothesis and Test
  39. Are Females the Ecological Sex?
  40. Cross-cultural differences in sexual dimorphism
  41. Measuring the relationship between dietary quality and body size in primates
  42. Sexual dimorphism in weight among the primates: The relative impact of allometry and sexual selection
  43. Proximity, Sociality, and Observation: The Definition of Social Groups
  44. Behavioral ecology ofAlouatta seniculus in Andean cloud forest
  45. The Birds of Finca Merenberg, Huila Department, Colombia
  46. Local Variance in Alouatta Group Size and Food Availability on Barro Colorado Island
  47. Sexual dimorphism in the human post-reproductive life-span: Possible causes
  48. Protein in vegetative and reproductive tissues of several neotropical species
  49. A Jarman/Bell model of primate feeding niches
  50. Choix des aliments et Évolution
  51. Primate predation and bioenergetics