All Stories

  1. When Can Multiple Imputation Improve Regression Estimates?
  2. The Politics of Precedent in International Law: A Social Network Application
  3. Who Gets to Be In the Room? Manipulating Participation in WTO Disputes
  4. Law, politics, and the true cost of protectionism: the choice of trade remedies or binding overhang
  5. Googling the WTO: What Search-Engine Data Tell Us About the Political Economy of Institutions
  6. The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis: The Rhetoric of Reform and Regulation. Edited by Wyn Grant and Graham K. Wilson. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 320p. $99.00.
  7. The Cost of Wiggle-Room: Looking at the Welfare Effects of Flexibility in Tariff Rates at the WTO 1
  8. Why Do Some Countries Get Better WTO Accession Terms Than Others?
  9. How States Ration Flexibility: Tariffs, Remedies, and Exchange Rates as Policy Substitutes
  10. Eluding efficiency: why do we not see more efficient breach at the WTO?
  11. The Politics of Judicial Economy at the World Trade Organization
  12. Constraining Coercion? Legitimacy and Its Role in U.S. Trade Policy, 1975–2000
  13. Seeking Escape: The Use of Escape Clauses in International Trade Agreements